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The howls that the wolves made were haunting as they sang to the full moon. The moon was pure white as the snow and the dark sky like a blanket of mystery. The pack of wolves was being lead by debuty Sean McLoughlin, or Jack everyone called him. He was taking his pack to ambush a vampire camp sight. The camp sight was near a river flowing rapidly, with Josie in the camp leading her troops to attack General Felix's camp. Sean was in his wolf form, including some of his warriors. His fangs were long like a sabortooth's. Josie started to notice the sent of wolf. Sean hasn't noticed that Josie could smell him.

 When Sean was ready in position,until one of his soldiers had snapped and fusionly attacked them minutes before Sean gave the signal, Josie called "Wolves are near!!" As one of his soldiers pounced, killing a troop. Sean was ferrous at his soldier and charged after Josie giving her a nasty bite on her shoulder. The other warriors joined in as they alienated the troop, but only wounding most and killing five. 

"Get out of our territory!!" growled Sean. "You wolves never learn!! Now leave our camp you MUTT!!" Josie hissed. Josie clawed Sean's face, to his left eye to his snout. The vampires were being over powered, by the wolves. Josie was not going to have that. She aimed at Sean's neck, but was punched away from a body mass, that had blue eyes that ran passed. Lienna came to the rescue. Her swift actions saved Sean from his death. The vampires fell back further away from their camp. 

Sean was still angered by a soldier, that he yelled his name " WADE!! you IDIOT!!" Sean was then pinning him to the ground as wade went human. Sean's four claw marks were bloody and trickled down his face onto Wade's. Sean's face was an inch away from his, snarling and growling showing his fangs. Wade was shivering not knowing what Sean would do to him. 

Sean got off of him, letting Wade stand. "When we get back to camp. You get last pickings at meal time. Until I think your worthy of following my orders." the white wolf said sternly. He went human, wearing his collar that was too big for his neck and a hoodie with jeans and wore black boots that past his ankles. His brown hair that would stop half way and continued green.

"MOVE OUT!!" Sean called. Everyone in his pack was not happy that Wade probably almost gotten Sean killed if it wasn't for Lienna's speed. Lienna was still in her wolf form. Her fur glowed of gold as she walked in the moon light. When she went human her blonde hair was so light that it looked white. She wore a shirt with no sleeve, but replaced with bandages and wore leggings that were white, she also wore brown boots with tassel and almost go to her knees. 

When they got to their camp, Jacob emerged from his dark den. Hannah was following behind wearing deer skin draped on her shoulders. Felix was the first to greet back Sean, "Jack! Your back." Sean only looked at the swedish as his scars bled, as he smiled gently. Felix's smile faded into concern. "Dude! You alright? That's looks pretty bad." Sean responded in reassurance, "I'm fine just a scratch." Marzia saw his scars and lead him to the medic tent in there camp.

Wade had his head down trying to not catch attention. Wade was then pounced by Mark who was in his wolf form and a golden retriever following him. The black wolf had a red forelock and was of the strongest at the camp. "So... how did the ambush go?!" he asked happily, then noticing the expression on Wade's face. "So... not well?" he said getting off of him. "Nope just pounced at the wrong time, but we got them to move down further, abonding their camp sight."

Mark got out of his wolf form, into a toned man with black stopping half way continuing with red. He wore a black shirt and some worn out jeans with some sneakers. He also wore a spiked wristband that was a bit big for his wrist.

The golden retriever was very adorable. She followed him anywhere, excepted when told not to. Her name was Chica, she wore a pink collar with her name on a bone shape tag. Mark's brown eyes saw the group that was recrouted with Wade. He also noticed he couldn't see the debuty. He went over to the group to see Bob was injured and was at the medic tent. Mark went over also was followed shortly by Wade. They walked in to see a scratched back that was badly placed on Bob's back. "Dude, that must of been a gruesome battle." claimed Mark.

Wade hardly had injuries, just some bruises and a cut on his check. Mark was kinda frighten that vampires have no souls. Marzia entered the tent bringing the debuty. Wade looked over, but quickly looked away feeling his frosted stare. Mark was kind of confused and followed after him out. "Wade why was he looking at you like that?" the red head asked. "Well I kinda attacked letting the vampires getting a head start on knowing the pack was there." Wade said being frighten, by the fangs of Sean's, inches from his face. 

Mark knew the war was kinda harsh to Wade at points. Even some of the warriors that were one of the strongest would, under estimate his skills. Then the howl from Felix entered his thoughts, telling everyone for a meeting. 

Everyone, excepted for the wounded, were at the den of Jacob and his daughter Hannah. Mark and Wade stayed in the back of the group. "NOW! I'VE GOTTEN NEWS THAT, DEBUTY MCLOUGHLIN HAD SUCCESSFULLY GOTTEN RID OF JOSIE'S TROOPS INCLUDING KILLING OFF THE DEBUTY!!" Boomed the voice of the king. "I ALSO LIKE TO EXTEND OUR DEBUTY'S PACK WITH A NEW MEMBER, MARK FISCHBACH!!" Every werewolf howled and cheered for the new member, since he was a guard for quite awhile and was very excited that he would be on actual missions. 

"ON THE OTHER HAND WE LOST A WARRIOR IN THE BATTLE, SHE WILL BE REMEMBERED!! I DECIDED TO DO A FEAST IN HER HONOR!!" his voice boomed and howl, the others howled. Wade followed, then Mark howled, giving haunted chills down your spine. Once the howling stopped, they all went back to their station. Mark was greeted by the pack he newly joined and Wade walked next to Mark, feeling like the omega of them all. 

Mark playfully hit him in the shoulder, showing he would have his back. And walked off with the pack.

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