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We were close to the sorceress's tree hut. I started to smell the sent of wolf or wolves, assuming there's more than one. I looked around to see a pack with furs of browns, blacks, grays, and even had markings of dogs. Then there was this one wolf that had white fur with yellow, golden eyes. I assume this must be a normal pack roaming the meadows. I then noticed a white fox with black markings and two tails. 

Gracie hid behind me, I wouldn't blame her. A 11 year old would hardly know these wolves and would be scared. He must of saw me cause his pack came toward us. I pulled out my dagger that was strapped to my waste. He was now in my sights and his pack of four others. I looked around to see him in my space. "I see your vampires. Are you my son's friends of the opposite side of this war?" I was confused of who he was talking about.

"Kiba, how are we suppose to know. Maybe they're here to kill the citizens." the gray one spoke with lighter gray markings, and a 'X' shaped scar on his chest. I saw a wolf about Gracie's age or older, cause he seemed more younger looking.

"Who are you two? I want answers now." snarled the scared wolf. "I-I'm Yamimash. This is Gracie, a friend of mine. I would like to know who ya'll are as well." The one with silver bracelets came forward next to the scared chested one. "I'm Toboe! This is Tsume." Tsume was his name, well to me he seem pretty harsh. "The other two are Hige and Blue." The other two were two wolves that must be mates. 

They both had a collar on, but were different. Blue I assumed was the black one with a blue tint to her coat, with a metal spiked collar with a chain link. The other had a collar the was black with a metal rectangle. He had a light fur coat with a lighter brown that marked his face to half way down his neck. I then looked at Kiba, the white wolf. He asked again 

"Do you know my son? He is the debuty." I nodded yes, knowing that these wolves were friendly. "So let me guess. Your trying to get away, huh?" I nodded again. Tsume stopped snarling and started to be less harsh toward us."Well we are about to go to the fox's place to get some rest, you could come along." he offered. I took his offer and we followed the back trailing behind.


I had the the troop follow behind me and everyone was a wolf by now, including Hannah. I even lost track of what happen to Sean, and found Lienna near the tree with moon flowers cover her like a blanket. Plus Mark was insane before, but him going for the king, that was a new level. If I know Sean, he was with Mark, hopefully. I then smelled vampire, but this one was unfamiliar. I look ahead while I put the princess behind me, growling at the intruder.

She charged laughing like a physio. She was about to claw Hannah, but I batted her away with my body. She tumbled back with her mask coming off. I've seen this one before, Trinity Blood. She always had a crush on Edward, but he was married way before she could get to him. I know the king had an ex-wife, but no wolf knew who was his newly wed.

Trinity was also insane enough to kill her own kind, or even go far enough to kill a higher ranked wolf or vampire. "Come here! AND DIE!!" she yelled. I bit her torso and threw her into a tree, then stomping her. "Make a run for it!!" I ordered. Marzia was behind me and Hannah, until she was taken into underbrush with the insane women. "MARZIA!" i ran after her telling the others to keep going. 

I saw Trinity about to kill her, then CRASH!!! I ram into her with fire in my eyes. I help my mate up running with her behind me. Marzia was my love and I never want anything bad happen to her! I ran to catch up to my toops.

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