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Mark's POV

I was kinda greatful that they wanted me to lead, the army. When we started to march to battle, I noticed that there was a 11 year old, which was on Jack's back, in this battle. Isn't she a bit young. Although Tiffy was training her privately. Maybe that kid is like a cute animal, that is highly dangerous. Marzia  wanted revenge for her mate, Felix. Leinna was with back up, just in case we are decreasing in numbers.

Hannah and Edward were going to be commander, but why me? Am I suppose to be something, that I don't see, but they can? After  couple hours or so, we got to a meadow that was filled with flowers, but soon will be filled with death and war.

I saw Steel behind me. Steel looked uneasy and I started to worry. All the wolves were in their wolf forms. Which was kinda easy to give unpositive body language. I then started to smell the sent of another army or should I say Mike's. I started to growl and snarl. The wind was violently blowing my red colored forelock in every direction. When we got on top of a hill, I saw a huge army filled with wolves, and hardly any vampires.

Mike was on top of a hill, and I could feel his death star. I felt my vampire side creep in my soul, preparing me for a battle that was way tougher than the others. I could feel my eyes go pure red, only showing a pupil of a rattler and blood red eyes. I felt my fangs get longer, and the flames on the corners of my eyes grow slightly.

I felt my extra strength kick in, and my wolf form getting bigger. I was now a full ledge hellhound, and yes that was my true form. I saw Hannah at my side and Edward on the other. Steel looked as if he wanted to bail but couldn't. I looked back and saw many wolves and vampires ready to charge. 

Mike's army had armored warriors that looked haunting to the core. Mike was now charging also his army. "FOR JACOB AND JOSIE!!" I howled running at full speed as the others followed, soon after. Mike and I clashed together using our full strength, and force to hurt one another. 

Steel's POV

I was bashing into many enemies and even instakilling most. I then came across Trinity. She was staring at me and charged at me. I clawed her face making her screech in pain. Trinity and I clashed once again and again. All I wanted to do was kill her. My savage side took over as I violently bit her in many places. 

Trinity missed me and got to Jack who was fighting many enemies. "Jack behind you!!!" I yelled, he was to late to dodge her. She was now fighting Jack, the white wolf with long huge fang that still remained. I ran toward him jumping on Mrs. Blood's back digging my claws into her back and biting at her neck. Blood was spraid in many directions. Jack was Biting her leg, but she pried me off and grabbed hold of Jack's neck.  She pinned him, and grabbed his tail.  I ran as fast as I could, but I was then attacked by a savage wolf who started to fight me.

He was throwing me in different directions, by the neck. I clawed the shit out of the wolf that was now blinded. I aimed at the neck and clawed at his throat, digging it out. I went back to help Jack, but I only saw him on his fours and his tail was missing. Blood was dripping from the remaining of his tail. 

His mouth was covered in blood, realizing that he killed Trinity. "Where's Mark?!" asked Jack. I looked around to see them both on a cliff side. "Up there!" I ran toward the two with Jack behind me.

Mark's POV

I was on the loosing side of this fight, but I'm too stubborn to let him win. He head butted me and I tried my hardest to push him backwards, but I could feel my muscles bulge and then them getting sore. Hannah and Edward were fighting his commander and general, while Yamimash was taking care of many soldiers. I clawing at his face, back and his legs. No success on weakening him. 

I started to use my flames to burn him, but he dodges every time. He pinned me at the edge on the cliff, with bolders and other dangerous objects. He started to dig his claws on my neck wound. I started to whimper fro pain, he chuckled "Well, I guess Ill take what is mine which is the kingdoms. I'm a better ruler than that excuse for a king. Also once I kill the res off I'll take my rightful spot on my throne." 

He was now choking me. I couldn't do anything, all I could do is watch my life flash before me. I felt my chest in much pain, and my whines and cries gotten quieter. And my yes started to water. "GET OFF HIM!!" he was then pulled off me, and I breathed deeply. I looked to see who had saved me. 

This was a wolf that looked slightly bigger than Mike, and it was a female. They disappeared in the underbrush. Jack and Steel came towards me, as I breath in relief. "You alright?" Steel asked. I nodded, noticing his eyes filled with worry. Jack was beaten, but I'm surprise his mouth was covered in blood and his tail was missing.

"J-Jack you alright? You seemed to be missing a limb." He giggled with a faint smile. "I'm alright, plus it was just my tail no biggy." I heard Edward and Hannah yelling  and screaming so I went to their direction. To see them surrounded by savage wolves. I jumped down cracking one's skull open. I ran infront of the two getting ready to blast a breath of fire. Jack looked as if he might breath fire, Steel was heading for cover. I blew fire frying most, but Jack's ice breath frozed the rest into glaciers. "Jack, when the hell you got ice powers?!" I asked excitedly. "Well,  might be irish, but ain't it an arctic wolf thing or what!" he said smirking.

Edward was o the ground with a chest wound. Hannah her face scared and bleeding. Edward was in terrible condition, and he looked as if he couldn't move. "I-I-I......how is she..." he murmured in shock and happiness. His grin was wide, but faded. "Steel you help Edward, while I go after Mike!" I ordered. I noticed Jack following me, "Jack, stay here. I'll handle him myself." I said. Before he could reply I ran after the sent of Mike, and that mysterious wolf.  

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