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I was training Mark, noticing his improvements. The blindfold training technique is the perfect, for his abilities. I realized that Mark had probably seen one of the three spirits that walk around here. Including the pond spirit. The three would keep my barrier strong, and powerful. But I'm starting to notice that my barrier is weakening by the seconds. My territory will soon be expose,  and I'll be in army clashing collision. 

"Mark you did awfully great for this being the 10th day of your training. I also have to say that your vampire abilities will come in handy when out of wolf form." He was breathing heavily, as I handed him a fruit. He gladly ate it. "Now, I have seen you use fire. Am I correct?" he nodded. "So now I'll teach you how to use that fire in battle." I said with smile.

"But I already know how to use it." he said finishing the fruit. "Well, what I've seen your just blasting it, hoping to burn or wound them in any way." I stated with a stern tone. I signaled him to follow me. I went to the pond filled koi, which he was slightly confuse of why I brought him here. "Now, I'll show you a true attack." I filled my fists with blue fire and made a clawing motion. And with one swipe, I made withered trees burn. 

I turned o him to see his confusing into amazement. "Wait..... what... how?!" I looked to him sternly. I also noticed that the king and princess saw my move. They saw no harm to the healthy trees and saw the burning withered and dead ones. "Now Mark. This move will help you destroy your enemies, while leaving your allies unharmed." I stated "Now you try." He had a nervous expression. He made his fists fill with fire of red, then did a clawing motion. He burned everything in his path.

I died out the fire with mine, so the forest wont burn down. He looked horrified seeing that it wasn't like mine. Also knowing if the trees were his allies they would of been burned. Hannah came up, and told Mark that he just needed practice. Edward agreed, but Mark looked as if he didn't want to burn another ally. 

It was midday and the spiritual pressure was getting unbearable. Soon at night I have to find were the spiritual Pressure is coming from. I saw Tiffy who was training her men, and Sean doing the same. Wolves faught each other, with vampires destroyed training dummies. Edward and the Hannah were having a discussion as Mark kept by the princess's side. 

Night fall was drawing in and Sean, including Leinna were going to cuddle again, like last night. I went into my den and started to make a serum for healing. Since I'll be gone for a while, but if that pressure is strong it ha to be close. I put on my coat and my boots. I left a note so they wouldn't worry.

I started heading the way the troops came from. I looked around to see dying trees and grass that wasn't as green. I then got to a camp with dried blood and rotted bodies. I saw something that caught my eye.I saw a blossom tree that was tall, with moon flowers covering the bark. The roots were popping out of ground. 

The spiritual pressure from it, but he levels were busting the roof! I noticed that the moon flowers' petals cover the bar, with no inch showing the trunk. Something is happening to this tree and the roots started to pop out the ground more, as the dirt was being dug up by them. 

I almost passed out by the spiritual pressure caused by it. I got away from it noticing my breathing was heavy, and my legs felt weak. I saw the spirit was human with a white dress and wings, with that rememerable light brown air. "Soon, the war will end. Now Ender, never forget this." She handed me a crown with a gen that was red, and a 3 inch wide necklace with the same gem. "There will be a new ruler, and that ruler will give harmony to the world." 

She walked off with the pond spirit and the unnamed one. They vanished like fog, leaving no trace. "Wait! Spirit COME BACK!" I called, but didn't had any interest of my confusion.

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