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I only noticed that the princess was running away from something. I jumped over her and saw something stat shouldn't be real. King Edward! I was now pissed. How dare he show his face into our camp ground. "Get the wolf princess!! And show no mercy!" I hear him say. Felix ordered to protect the princess and stand your ground. I then noticed something, the debuty looked like he didn't want to fight the king. He was trained for this moment, why back out?

I then also noticed the mark on his shoulder glowed, just like he was at the blossom tree a month ago. I then felt something inside telling me, that I shouldn't do this. I realize a fire symbol appeared on my shoulder. I was going to charge, but not to attack, to get answers. I running to the front beside Sean or Jack most wolves call him. I felt my protective side rip through me as I saw the king. My fur on my back rise making me look bigger.

The vampires charged as the wolves soon after charged them selves. I was running up to my top speed pouncing on the king and biting his shoulder dragging him, like I was rabid. 


I saw Mark dive for the king, while i bashed and knocked vampires out not biting any, well trying to. I was very scared cause I had no sight of Yamimash. "There you are you wolf bastard!!" I heard that voice before. I then pounced with Debuty Ken on my back. I ran, ramming into anything trying to get him off. He then bit my neck, I felt my blood spill out has it trickled down my white fur.

I jumped in the air and flipping on my back and used my body weight bash him in the ground. i heard a whine. i ran to find Lienna being pinned and getting beaten. Okay now you pushed me! I ran and headbutting one away while biting the other throwing them away from her. It was a terrible sight. She was bleeding and hardly had any strength. I put her on my back and I had to retreat, for her safety. I was running away, trying to get away. Once I got to Elizabeth's tree, I put her under it covering her in moon flowers. I left leaving the healing to Elizabeth whose soul was the healer even if she's dead I believed that her powers still relied in the tree.

I started to hear something. I ran toward it to see what was happening I saw Mark on the ground with a claw marks on his throat. I was in disbelief I walked toward him, to see him...... still alive! "Mark! Bud you there?" I asked concern swirling in my voice. "J-Ja-ck? I-I..h-he.." he couldn't finished he was about to say. I started to put his body on my back. His head was dropping on the back of my neck. i started to head to camp, to see vampires there, and some not knowing I was still here. 

I saw Ken still breathing with vengeance in eyes. I had to get us out of here, but Mark lifeless body was hard to try to get away with. I went passed them to noticed Lienna wasn't at the tree. I went to follow the sent of wolf. Once I got in my snout I followed. I was still wolf gratefully cause With my extra strength I could drag Mark away. I realized that I couldn't smell the princess anywhere. I was worried now, if so I think, she might gotten taken with Felix hopefully.

I was now in a position I never wanted to be in. And a question ran through my head. Do I keep fighting on the wolves side, or do I go with Yamimash's idea and try to leave?

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