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I was looking for Ender White to ask her something. I decided to look in her den to see if she's there. When I went in I only saw a few bottles, and a note. It was saying she was going to get some ingredients and what not. Also she made a healing potion that would help the sick and wounded. I gladly took the bottles and handed them to the medics, which would probably wanted to thank her.

I saw Leinna which was watching Jacck train his men. She looked as if she would dream bout him for days on end. "Someone is in loooove~" I sang. She looked a bit embarrassed, but nodded. "Then why not, tell him? You two are soo cute together!" she shrugged giving a smile as she blushed. "Then, you tell now! I mean, please just tell him, for goodness sake." I say being my giddy self.

"W-well..... I'm just..... nervous." she say a shyly. I was hardly in disbelief, she could probably out run a gang of enemies, but she's nervous around her love interest! She is the most shyest person in the troop, but she can kick ass!  I really wish she could  just tell him. 

I then see Sean walking toward us. She got a bit flustered, which I laughed about. "Hey, Leinna how have you been doing?" he asked sweetly. "F-fine." she replied. He smiled and I might bit of being a giddy school girl, but this was adorable and I might of starting to ship them. 

"That's nice to hear. Plus I see that the scar hasn't made you fall on the ground." Jack said. Jack also asked if he could talk with her for a moment. I could see Leinna's face go red. I stared to giggle like a giddy school girl when they left.

I saw Mark trying to do Ender whites fire move. Which left him in disappointment, when he burned almost every tree. I went over to him to see how he was doing. "Hey Mark! How's your practicing going?" I asked with a smile. He looked as if he was to focus on his training then talking to me. "Oh uh.... hi princess." he said finally. "Oh please call me Hannah, Mark. Anyway how's your training with Ender going?" He looked to me a bit odd.

"Ender? I wasn't training with her to day. I was doing my fire exercises." Wait Ender wasn't with him? But how isn't she not back yet? "AHHHHHHH!!" someone screamed. Mark and I went toward the noise. We went outside the barrier, to see Mike,Steel, and Trinity! Jack was on the ground in wolf form, and one of his fangs broken in half.  

Leinna was under Mike, who was a wolf. "Well runt I guess I'll take what's mine then." Mike said as he picked up Leinna with his jaws. "N-no! Ye can't! S-sh-e doesn't b-be-long to ye!" Jack's irish accent was clear as day. Mark went wolf as flames surrounded him. He jumped into action, by pouncing on Mike, making the wolf let go of my friend. Steel let go of Jack as he went to help Mike. Trinity doing the same, but was burned from his fur when she toughed him. 

Mark bit his ear, and tour it off. Mike clawed Mark on his mussel. Steel got on Mark's back biting his neck, and clawing his back. Mark jumped up and did a flip land on his back, probably crushing Steel's spine. Trinity went for the kill, but was burned by his fire breath, also his bite to the shoulder. I went down and helped Jack and Leinna to get away. But Mike got a hold of my leg. I went wolf and try to fight back, but no success. Before Mike could get close to my neck a blade of fire appeared and burned him severely.

I got with the other two, which Jack got in front of me and Leinna wanting to kill Mike. Steel got up only limping and whining. Mike and Trinity attacked at once and a wall of fire appeared. And went it dissipated Mark was in front of us going back and forth. Trinity came at him hissing, Mark was quick enough to black her attack and breaking something in the process. Mark then pinned Mike to a rock. Mike laughed and his eyes were filled with tears as his right side of his head bleed. "Mhahaha Mark, Mark you can never defeat me. A half blood could never be anything, but to rot in HELL!" Mike tried to claw him but was clawed by Mark, with anger and fire in his now red eyes.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH! YOU KNOW NOTHING OF THY SELF!!" his voice was like he had a mega phone up to his face as he yelled. He snarled as smoke came from the corners of his mouth. I was scared and I wanted to help, but I then noticed that in my vision that Mark had something glowing in his chest area. What I could understand was that was it? What did it mean, and what can it do?

"Then be ready for the big fight, cause as soon as you step in my..... domain you'll parish." Mike said as he pushed Mark away from him and Trinity leaving Steel behind. Jack went human but could hardly stand. I went Human as well, and went up to the wounded wolf, Steel. "M-Mike? I-I t-thoug-ht he w-would....." he then burst into tears, as he tried to crawl away. Before he could protest Mark helped the wolf up. He went back as his hellhound self with worry in his brown eyes. 

"Wh-why help m-me? I tri-ed to kill ya." Steel said surprise of his action. Mark heaved a sigh "Steel.... I forgive you. I know you only did it to earn your brother's love and affection." Steel still had tears in his eyes. Jack and Leinna were in shock so was I, but why would Mark help him?

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