Chapter 25. August 2017 Look What You Made Me Do behind the scenes

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August 2017

Behind the scenes of Look What You Made Me Do

Day 1

The dance

(Taylor's perspective)

We arrive on set of the Look What You Made Me Do music video.

All of my old backup dancers are here from previous tours and Todrick as well.

"Taylor!" Todrick said and runs up to hug me.

"Hi Todrick! Thank you so much for coming." I said.

"Thank you for having me in the music video." Todrick said.

"I'm so excited for the dance scene and I'm also so nervous for it's since I practice for it so much. I really wanna get it right." I said.

"You will do great. When you want to do something and when you are really passionate about it to really succeed at it." Todrick said.

"Thank you for saying that! That was a really sweet." I said and Todrick laughed.

"Oh should I follow you with a perfume bottle when you walk in? And I follow you trying to spray some on you as we walk?" One of the back up dancers asks.

I laughed, "Oh my gosh yes! That's hilarious." I said.

"Let's go the first take!" A camera man shouts.

We stand in our spots and I begin to stake off my nerves and Maho and I tap our feet on the ground and shake our nerve out,

"We got this. We will be great." I said in encouragement.

"We will do this. As a team." I said and Todrick comes over and does it as well

"Everyone to their marks!" A man shouts.

We all run to our spots and wait for the next signal,

"Role playback!" A man shouts said and music begins to play.

"Five six seven eight and one!!" A man shouts and I walk through the door and strut down the set the boys see me and runs after me and follows me.

I stop and look back at them and they all stop and look at me, we do our choreograph poses and we begin to do our dance that we practiced for weeks.

"And cut!!" A man shouts and we stop,

"That was great! Awesome work!" He yells and we all cheer.

"Yay! We did it!" I shout and I hug Todrick.

"Thanks for being here," I said.

"That was so much fun!" Todrick said.

I went around to hug the other dancers thanking them.

Day one is over. The most difficult day is done.

We all take off our shoes and walk off to leave go home.

"Wow look at the bottom of my shoes!" Todrick shouts holding them up. The bottom of his high heals are all worn down from dancing so much.

"Look what she made me do! Look what she made me do." Todrick said to a camera and we all laughed.

(Elizabith's perspective)

"That was amazing! The dance was incredible." I said.

"Thank you. I'm glad that's over." Taylor said.

"I can't wait to see the other sets! And costumes. When you where dancing I walked over to see the wardrobe room and I've never seen so many cloths in my life! I think I can even fit into some of your old outfits." I said.

"We should see what fits you tomorrow and we have to get a picture of you in them." Taylor said.

"Yes!" I shouted excitedly.

Taylor changed into her regular clothes and we went back home.


Author's Note

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