Chapter 49. November 8, 2017 CMA awards

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November 8, 2017

Country music award win

(Taylor's perspective)

"Want to paint some paper for a count down for the album?" I asked

"Yes! I'll get some cups and fill them with water." Elizabeth said.

We begin to paint we did all kinds of colors and I started to paint the number 2 with a black paint. I take out my phone and post it on Instagram and the fans like and commented on the post.

"The CMA's are on tonight. Do you think you might win?" Elizabeth asked.

"No I won't win anything. I'm nominated for song of the year but I don't think I'm gonna win." I said.

"I think you will win." Elizabeth said and I laughed.

"We will see." I said.

Later on in the night we are turned on the CMA's and we cheered for who ever we wanted to win then it was the song of the year nominated is next.

Karlie and the other presenters walk onto the stage and the other nominees where shown on the screen.

"And the winner is...Better Man Taylor Swift!" Karlie announces.

My mom and Elizabeth scream with excitement while I just stair at the tv shocked.

I won? I still won a CMA award even after four years of being a pop artist?

"What? I won?" I asked shocked.

"You won!! You won song of the year for better man!" Elizabeth shouts excitedly

"Wow! What?!" I shouted in shock.

"You won! You really won!" Mom shouts.

I went online to see what the fans are saying and they are freaking out the song won song of the year.

We celebrated to celebrate the win all night long.


Author's Note

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