Chapter 19. April 2017

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April 2017

(Taylor's perspective)

"Have a good day at work. I'll be in the studio for a few hours." I said.

Elizabeth got out of the car with her purse and her modeling pro-folio in her hands. She is wearing all black and black high heels. And she doesn't have any makeup on since modeling agencies like little to no make up.

"Good luck. Remember breathe and answer their questions truthfully. Just because you are still new doesn't mean they won't hire you. Most modeling companies are looking for new faces." I said.

"I know but I still get nervous and I over think." Elizabeth said looking down at her hands.

"I was so nervous when I was going to record labels when I was younger and I never got a call back but eventually I found Scott and he signed me. All it takes is one yes." I said.

"I guess that's true." Elizabeth said.

"Call me when you are done." I said.

"I will." Elizabeth said.

"Love you bye." I said and the car begin to drive down the street.

I take a deep breathe.

Hopefully it goes well.

(Elizabeth's perspective)

I walk into my next casting and all of the girls waiting for the designer they all stopped talking and starred at me.

"Well we aren't getting it," I hear a girl mumble underneath her breath and the girls around her laughed.

"Hey I'm just here like everyone else." I said.

"Yeah but you are a Swift. They are instantly going to pick you." Another girl said.

"I'm still new to modeling. They probably aren't going to pick me." I said.

The girls ignored me and talked to each other and the girls around me sat in uncomfortable silence. As the hour passed some girls showed up late.

I waited for an hour until my name was called,

"Elizabeth Swift?" A women asked.

I followed the women to a big room where two men are sitting at a table.

"Hi I'm Elizabeth. So nice to meet you." I said shaking their hands.

"Hello. Is that your pro folio?" The women asks.

"Yes." I said handing it to them and they go through it.

They look at some of my best pictures I took so far and they look back up at me,

"And all of these are recent?" the women asked.

"Yes. All from just a few months." I said.

"Did you just started modeling?" The other women asked.

"Yes. I started around October." I said.

"Who are some of the photographers?" The women asked.

"Gigi Hadid, Mario Testino, Annie Leibovitz." I said.

"Impressive." The women said.

"Have you done runway before?" The women asked

"No." I said.

"Can you do a walk for us?" The women asked.

I walked away far enough to do my walk for them and I stopped and did a little pose at the end.

"Thank you. We will call you later for a conformation next." The women said and I walked back to where I was standing earlier.

I watched the rest of the girls walked and we where dismissed to leave. I walked out of the building and I called Dave to pick me up.

I also called mom,

"Hi Elizabeth. How did it go?" She asked.

"I think it went well. They said they will call me back if they liked me." I said.

"Oh good. Don't worry if they don't pick you you can try again. I'm still working in the studio and I won't be done until a few more hours. Is Dave on his way to get you?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah I called him and he is on his way now." I said.

"Okay. If you are hungry for lunch there is some hot dogs and some spaghetti in the fridge." Taylor said.

"Okay. Oh I think I see Dave now." I said looking at at car and I see Dave driving.

"Text me when you get home." Taylor said.

"Okay, love you bye." I said.

"Bye." Taylor said and hung up.

Dave parked the car in front of me and I got in.

"Hello Elizabeth." Dave said.

"Hello." I said.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"It went well I think. They said they will call me back if they liked me," I said.

"Good." Dave said and continued to drive.


Author's Note

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