Chapter 31. August 2017

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August 2017

Behind the scenes of look what you made me do

Day seven

Taylor mountain

(Taylor's Perspective)

I arrived on set and I quickly get changed into my music video outfit which is a black outfit with Rep on it. I at in a chair as my hair and makeup was being done, until a crew member walked up to me.

"Taylor the girls are ready for you now." She said.

"Wonderful. Thank you." I said getting up and she walked me to where they were.

"Okay this is the trippiest thing I've ever seen in my whole life." I said as I looked around at all of the girls who looked at lot like me wearing all of my old music video and red carpet outfits.

Wow they look so much like me!

I walked over to where we are filming the Taylor mountain and all of the girls are talking to one another. They turn and gasped when they saw me,

"Hi guys I'm Taylor. It's nice to meet you all." I said climbing up on the tower looking down at them all.

"Hi!!!" All of the girls said.

This is the weirdest feeling but also so cool looking back on all of my old outfits.

Oh look at my sundress and cow girl boot phase.

We do our shot that we needed and Joesph is going to edit more versions of me later. I quickly to go wardrobe again and change into my new you belong with me t shirt that I made yesterday and I added all of my friends on it.

"So this is my new and improved you belong with me outfit." I said to the camera.

"Do I need to do anything else? I'm just getting kicked right?" I asked.

"Not unless you have any other ideas?" Joseph asked.

"Yeah I want the kick," I said.

"Okay let's do it." Joesph said.

"Ready and action!" A camera man shouts and all of the girls try to climb up the mountain.

I pretend to climb up the mountain as well and I pretend to get kicked in the face.

"Cut! That was it!" Joesph shouts and all of the girls laughed.

We all sit down on the green mountain and rest,

"So all of these girls are playing one of the version of my former self. It's so cool!" I said.

"Taylor who should be the two girls fighting with each other?" Joesph asks and handing me a lift of all of the girls and what they are wearing.

I read the list, "Oh! Red Ring master Taylor should totally be fighting with Fearless sparkly dress Taylor with the 13 on her hand!" I said.

"Wonderful." Joesph said.

One of the girls gets dressed up as the red ring master outfit and I get dressed in the fearless outfit and my hair is styled like I had it back then and I painted a 13 on my hand.

"Ready to go?" Joseph asked.

"Yes." We said

"Ready and action!" Joesph shouts,

We begin to fight with one another and screaming,

"I hate you!!" I scream.

"Get out of my house!!" I scream again,

"Cut! That was it!" Joseph shouts.

"The fight scene. Where did that come from?" The camera man asked.

"I have no idea where that came from. I have not experienced a home invasion. But you know you just gotta follow the scene." I said.

I get changed into the we are never ever ever getting back together outfit and we do the scene again but the hat kept on falling off.

"So I learned that top hat aren't the best fashion wear for fighting." I said.

I get changed into the you belong with me outfit again and I get on this machine that I lay down on so it looks like I'm falling when Reputation me kicks me.

"Even though this is the goofy outfit I still want you to be graceful in it." Joesph said.

"I have to act to try not to be graceful. I don't know if you ever met me before." I said and Joesph laughed.

I go on the falling lift machine and do the scenes on that.

I say goodbye to the crew and go over to Joesph,

"Thank you so much for helping me make this! I'm so excited for it to be out." I said.

"Call me if you are looking for a director for your next music video." Joesph said.

"Actually I was already planning on another music video for my other single coming out a few months after this." I said.

"Great!" Joesph said.

"Goodbye." I said and I walked off set and went home.

Author's Note

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