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~First Day Of School~

Ohmlirious, Vanlirious, or Toonlirious?~ I might do all three.

{Ohm's POV}

A large sigh from my left and shuffling to my right. Hands over my eyes until I could buck off the midget on my back in annoyance. "Lui, you're gonna piss off Ryan."


"We don't need a pissed off Ryan right now."




Lui sighed as a person stepped near me and picked him from my back. David, Evan and Tyler glanced over at me in question as I checked my phone. "7:38"

"We'd better hurry then. Fucking Jonathan is being too god damn slow." Tyler complained as he sped up.


I kneeled on the ground and held my arms out behind me, abruptly stopping Jonathan. "You're slow so don't argue. Just hop on and shut up, Jon." I chuckled as his weight shifted suddenly on my back.

His arms wrapped around my neck, his legs around my hips. I looked to my left and Lui was already in his usual monkey position on David's shoulders. Me and Evan both chuckled, Tyler speed walked ahead of us in angst and anger at how late we'd be.

"Let's go to the corner store!" Lui shouted in his childish voice.

Tyler went to object until Evan held up the late passes. "Good going, Ev!" Tyler grinned as he ran into the store like a childish immature idiot.

Lui slid of David's shoulders and grasped his hand tightly, marching in with David following closely behind. "I only have 10 bucks, Lui. Be careful."

"Okaaaay" Lui grinned and they marched around for a few minutes, grabbing cheap snacks and drinks from the shelves of the store.

Jonathan slid off my back as well as I slightly bent my knees and leaned back a bit. He placed his hand in mine and Evan's as we walked around the corner store. He'd speak the title of something and I'd grab it. Evan held the money in his hands, making gay or weird jokes about every little product in the store.

"Why are cheetos so cheesey~?"

"I dunno. Why?" Jon responded almost instantly, a smile upon his lips.

"Because they flirt with alllll the boys and girls!"

Jonathan chuckled as I placed the products on the counter. Evan handed the cashier the money as I grabbed back the items in a bag. We were about to walk out when suddenly emptiness filled mine and Evan's hands as Luke stood across the street with a smirk above his bearded chin.

"LUUUUUKE!" Jonathan practically swung himself into a hug with Luke.

I felt a slight ping of jealousy but chuckled at his childish antics instead. I heard Evan growl beside me and looked over in question before noticing a glare at Luke. Looking at Luke, they shared a glare before glancing away.

"7:46" I read aloud from my phone.

"WE HAVE TO HURRY! HURRY, MOTHER FUCKERS, HURRY!" Tyler screamed at us as he took off down the road, shoving chips into his mouth and chewing like Flash.

I laughed and followed along before kneeling as Jonathan tried hopping onto my back. He must be getting used to this, I don't think Evan or  Luke will like this very well. I sighed and heaved Jonathan onto my back, hooking my arms underneath his legs as he swung them around my waist. His arms hung loosely around my neck as his chin rested on my right shoulder.

"Jonathan, why are you so fucking lazy?" Evan laughed as he playfully punched my shoulder, hoping  I'd drop him perhaps.

I was stronger than Evan to be completely honest. I hoisted Jonathan even higher and sighed loudly, "We're going to be late so let's just run or jog or some shit."

If him and Luke are fighting over Jonathan, I don't want to get Jonathan hurt by their stupid antics. I quickly sprinted forward, Jonathan easily clinging to me in hopes he wouldn't fall. I'd never let him fall, not on my back. Haha. That was funny right? I hope...

Snow-static entered my vision, temporarily blinding my peripheral vision. I huffed as Ii sprinted faster. I was the leader of the 50 meter sprint team so this was no biggie. Evan couldn't seem to keep up, seems his arm muscles don't help him in running now do they?

Luke was a whole mile behind us, calmly walking and glaring holes in Evan's body as he ran. Evan must be trying to show off. Please Evan, just fucking stop. I hate being competitive with you because you always show off whatever skills are either relatable or available!

I caught up to Tyler quickly, he was heaving heavily and slowing down extremely. I stopped so I wouldn't piss him off and faked a few labored breaths. I hate showing off to be completely honest, it's not my hobby like Evan or Bryce.

Lui and David were waiting at the school gates, a taxi cab leaving them behind as Lui enthusiastically waved at the driver in his childish voice, "Bye Bye, Mister Douchebag!!"

David only chuckled as we finally arrived, glancing at me in question. He's in my gym classes and I knew he knew I was faking my breaths. "I'll tell you later, Dave." I commented as I huffed out a fake breathe in false hope that he'd just let it go.

"'Kay." Was his only response as he saw a huffing and puffing Evan finally make it. 

Evan tried slowing his breathing down and made it seem like he wasn't tired at all. "Man. That was nothing. You guys are so low on stamina." He heaved lightly before continuing awkwardly into the school yard.

"7:55" I said as I put down Jonathan, who almost fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Let's go, bitches! First  Friday of the school year! Don't forget the party at my house tonight! Be there, mother fuckers!" Tyler yelled as he ran into the school building, skidding towards his locker in a panicked fashion.

I chuckled as Evan huffed and puffed inside the halls, me and Jonathan following behind. I nudged Jonathan and Evan and told them to pause for a minute since we were all heading to our first period together. I threw a hand in the air and walked like a thot.

Bursts of giggles from popular girls and guys echoed in the hallways and soon my friend's laughter reached beyond comprehension. They sounded like they were dying internally from laughing so hard. I turned and walked back with a smirk.

Laughter was everywhere and immediately my reputation may have been fucked. I didn't care though. Taking Evan and Jonathan's hands in mine, I dragged them to our homeroom with a super grin.

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