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Hey, I'm sort of depressed but I'll try not to let it effect my work. Yes, I've began to think of writing stories and fanfictions as my work. I'm alright though so don't worry! Enjoy!

In the last chapter...

I sniffled, nuzzling my head deeper into his neck as I kept my grip tight on his hoodie. We stayed like that until the tears cleared away and dried on my cheeks. As I pulled away, I saw his lips form a smile before asking, "Will you come to the dance with me, Scotty?"

I instantly grinned despite my sorrow-filled look. He smiled even bigger, embracing me as I lost my boundaries with nodding. I couldn't speak, I couldn't even move. I didn't want to, I just wanted to stay in his arms.

In this new chapter...

{Third Pov for once}

Jonathan's lips twitched up into a smile as Ryan gently kneeled in front of him. He lazily placed his arms around Ryan's neck and his legs hanging loosely until Ryan stood up and hooked his arms underneath them. "Better not fall asleep, my little teddy bear." 

A soft giggle was heard from their other miniature and adorable friend, Lui, who sat upon the shoulders of his boyfriend, David. His arms rested upon his hair while his legs were slung over David's shoulders, propped up with his legs wrapped around the tall Irish man's torso so his feet touched against David's back.

"You two are so adorable." Jonathan commented, blush forming on both of their cheeks.

Ryan piped up with a tease, "Have you two kissed yet?"

"I ship it." Laughed Tyler who walked by with his hand in Craig's, tightly holding onto it but in a contently calm fashion.

Evan and Luke glared holes into Ryan's back as usual, glancing at their friends in question occasionally as they were both lost in their own thoughts. "It's absolutely adorable how they combine like puzzle pieces." A voice piped up behind the group.

A few turned to look, some looking over their shoulders as two of them began chuckling at the younger sister's antics of trying to scare them. "Marcel's little sister followed us?" Jonathan asked for confirmation as Marcel shrugged, walking up to her and high fiving her.

"What up, lil girl?" He spoke kindly as a soft and gentle smile covered his face{Not literally, oh gawd.}

"You forgot your lunch so mum sent me!" Her voice was soft and sweet, flowing through the air like a gentle breeze in the summer.

It brought a few smiles to his friends as she handed him a heavy looking bag with Adventure Time characters on it. She scampered away quickly, grasping her mother's hand tightly as they seemed to walk back home.

Marcel sighed and turned to Scotty with a soft smile then grinned at all his friends. They all continued walking on, reaching the school gates not too long after.

{Marcel's Pov}

I knew Dad was home by the stern look on my mother's face. Another lecture when I get home after school. Scotty hugged me tightly when we reached the gates of the school, I figured he'd be worried since I've been stuck in my thoughts this entire walk. "I'm okay, Scotty, really. I am." I smiled at him, pecking his cheek softly.

A few of our friends grinned or smiled at us as we entered the building. "5 minutes!" A teacher yelled, causing panic to course in my veins.

"Bye, babe. See you after homeroom." I said, planting my lips firmly on Scotty's before fleeing his homeroom hallway and sprinting to mine which was two whole minutes away.

Today's going to be a good day, I just know it is. Maybe not this afternoon, unless I can hide out at Scotty's till 8 at night when Dad leaves for work. He always gets strict when I fuck up or ruin time. Whatever, he's just too strict to have fun in life. His young days have passed and he's jealous of mine.

{Jonathan's Pov}

Me and Ryan hung out next to my lockers until the bell finally rang. We occasionally pecked and flirted but we definitely had to go over today's materials and subjects for the Math test. It was review so of course it'd be easy but it's good to discuss answers and questions with each other before first period could even begin.

Our homeroom teacher dropped by, tapping us on the shoulder as we leaned against our lockers, hand in hand. "You can study and make out in my classroom, just be sure to pay attention when you can." Her smile was comforting and slightly trusting so I nodded.

I kept my hand and fingers intertwined with Ryan's as we entered the homeroom and sat next to each other at a single table in the back of the classroom. As she followed us in, I could hear her softly sigh with a sneer remark, "Homosexual students will be troublesome.. Ii can just see it now."

Ryan appeared to have not heard her, yet when I looked at him, his gaze held fear directed at the teacher and worry directed at me. I smiled and pecked his cheek, "Let's prove to her that we won't be trouble for HER." 

He nodded, kissing my lips before pulling away when the teacher cleared her throat and began speaking. We paid attention the whole time, holding hands under the table to mask our relationship from students around us and occasionally pecking each other's hand or cheek when no one was looking.

I'm always going to love him. I just have to trust him and hope this isn't for the challenge.

{Craig's Pov}

I was stressing over our French test in Francais 1A today. Me and Tyler were in the same class with Evan but we were struggling and way too far behind. "Mrs. Whint?" I called, my hand raised as she glanced at me, "May me and Tyler head to the French classroom to study please? Oor maybe the library?"

She nodded at us, scribbling notes and words on a post card that I paid no attention to. I jogged up to her in rush as Tyler gathered out notebooks and French homework. "May I also ask your permission to call Jonathan from his homeroom to help us?"

She stared me down for a full minute before sighing and standing from her seat. She opened my hand, stuck the post card into it and closed my fist around it gently. "I'll call his teacher about it. She might not be thrilled but  I suppose she'll let him by since he will finally tutor someone at something."

She walked towards the room phone, dialed in some numbers and held the phone to her ear. She nodded to me and we both took off slowly to the library, aware of a classroom door creaking closed and another in a separate hallway creaking open. "Tyler? Craig?" Evan's voice called to us from the hallway to our left at the intersection.

"Hey, Evan. What's up?"

"Heading to Jiny for French. How about you two?"

"Library to be tutored by Jonathan. We can go to the French class too though."

"Sure, Sure. Walk with me, guys. The nice hallway of mini 9th graders awaits us." He laughed.

We heard running behind us before something latched onto my back. I almost fell first but I quickly stepped in front of myself, stuttering a bit before balancing out myself. A muttered apology sent hot breaths of torment down my neck. 

"Fuck you, Delly." I chuckled as he slid from my back.

"Nah. Ryan fucks me, Tyler fucks you. Enchante?"

I burst out giggling, my face probably red but I couldn't care. We had to quiet down though sicne we were travelling in a hallway of asshole teachers and bitchy, whiney 9th graders complaining about summer and wanting to not go to school.

The French room was so lose until someone... or some people... blocked out path. As I looked up, I felt faint. Eyeing me up and down was one of Banana Bus  Squad's worst enemies... Their eyes black as coals and fiery in their eyes from last year.

"Oh... We're fucked boys..." I mumbled through grit teeth and fearful tones that alarmed my friends.


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