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Sorry for the late update, it's been 11 whole days since the last chapter but let's have a little recap, shall we? I had to force myself out of depression to write this. Ugh. Sorry if it's shit but I hope you can at least enjoy it. MY GOAL IS REACHED: ~2000 WORDS! Time Duration: 2.5 HOURS!!

On the last chapter:

"Boys, you both can come back in now."

"Wi, Madame Foreinsah"

She smiled at me before disappearing back into the classroom, both of us following her in. I sighed and whispered to myself, "I'm not gay... It's not evident right?" before closing the door and walking back to my seat quietly.

"Now then, today you will be watching the Channel One news. Enjoy it while you can. You'll be writing a summarized paper of 10th grade sentences, about 5-10 of them. Make sure you head your paper like you're in college and absolutely no talking or I will assume you are cheating. This will be taken as a test grade so pay attention and do well. Good luck, students."

Ugh. Fridays...

In this chapter: {Evan's Pov}

I sighed, my paper's header was the only thing missing as I leaned back in my seat to enjoy the rest of the video. I outstretched my arms, my hand smacking into something behind me. I heard a moan of pain and looked behind in alarm.

Jonathan glared at me and I snickered softly, the freckles on his pale face called out to me and told me to poke his dimples when he smiled at me so I did as told. I turned around in my seat and planted both of my fingers into both of his dimples.

He swatted my hands away and finished writing a sentence, slamming his pencil down in pure pride as I turned back around to put the header on my paper. I finished and gently put down the pencil, turned around in my seat and poked his face once more.

He ignored me and allowed me to poke at his face and gently rub my hands through his hair. His gaze was on the screen of the ELMO whiteboard. I softly patted the top of his head, first I curled my fingers around a few soft strands. 

Small curly strands of black-ish brown fell from my fingers. "You're hair is so soft. What do you condition with?"

"Erm.. I don't."

"Oh.. Well then... What shampoo do you use?"

"I don't use any shampoo. It's just shower gel and maybe some coconut oil. You should try it. Though, mixing the coconut oil with vinegar should help soften up your hair and make it super fluffy."

I circled in on his words, they meant a lot to me. Especially if I want to be the popular player this year. It's a competition me and Ryan have had in the past, but he isn't competing this year. He hasn't competed ever since he was slapped by Sydney. What a pussy, huh?

I've dated Sydney at least five times every year, I always manage to make her waste time with me while I end up wasting my money. On only me though~. Me and Luke are competing with Tyler and Droid this year. 

I sighed as me and Jonathan stood up and continued to our math class, Mrs. Richardson. "Good luck on the first test of the year, Jonny boy."

Later on in the day: {Ryan's Pov}

Bold=Voice #1{Hope} and Italic=Voice #2{Depression}

"First one to impregnate or get laid with a girl wins first place. First one to get as far in a relationship to break it off harshly and make a girl cry wins second place and the first one to have a relationship with a slut that lasts 5 to 8 months wins third place!" Tyler exclaimed at the lunch table later that day.

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