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I want to make some of you happy with these few happy chapters before shit hits the fan or relationships actually get serious. Love you guys!

In the last chapter...

I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer so there was no space between us. I pecked his cheek, "Thanks Lui. I love you."

He placed his warm lips on mine, tilting his head lightly. I cupped his cheek with my right hand, deepening the kiss. I broke off the kiss, a pure smile on my face reflecting from his. "Come on, let's head to your house."

He hopped back onto my back and kept his arms lying atop my head. His lips occasionally kissed the top of my head. His legs lazily swinging over my shoulders as my hands kept him in place. I love him so much. I don't ever want him to get hurt.

In this new chapter...

{Ryan's Pov}

I sighed in content, Jonathan lie between my legs with his head resting in the crook of my neck. We were silent, only our soft breathes being heard in case his father got home early or his mother came near.

We heard footsteps but Jonathan didn't move, he stayed comfortable on my torso. The door creaked open and a soft giggle escaped the lips as he stared at the doorway. I paused my game and looked over, his sister was quietly fangirling before she finally spoke, "Dinner's ready, lovebirds~"

I blushed lightly, feeling warmth against my cheek as Jonathan leaned up. He stayed on all fours, grinning down on me as  I glanced at him. I lightly touched the warmth on my cheek in awe as I slowly smiled back. "Let's get some food, babe~" I leaned on my elbows, pecking his lips before sliding out from under him and out the door.

I heard his huff behind me before feeling him hop onto my back. I chuckled, carefully walking down the stairs, my bunny tail and bunny ears attached to my bunny pajamas were bouncing lightly to my movements.

I felt one of my ears getting tugged and I slowed down, lifting my head lightly to look up at Jonathan. I felt a sudden bite on my neck, flinching and almost dropping him as a harsh grunt erupted without filter from my throat.

I heard him chuckle before I sniffled a laugh, entering the kitchen and setting him down. As she handed him his plate and looked away to grab me a plate from the cabinet, I swiftly bit the back of his neck. "Ryan!"

He barked, his face pure red. He was absolutely adorable so I lightly patted his hair with a smirk. He shuddered under my stare, "Love you, Delly~"

"L-Love you too, you fucker..."

I smiled as his sister handed me a plate, trying not to fangirl so much at my antics. I gave her a thumbs up and she nodded aggressively. I laughed lightly as I leaned down behind Jonathan, leaving a hot breathe against his neck.

He flinched and seemed affected by me so I chuckled and finished making my plate. "Can we eat in my room?"


"In case, ya know... The fucker of the house comes home..."

Her face lightened up and she eyed me swiftly before nodding at us both with a triumphant smile. "Don't be loud, Jon."

His face lit up red as he responded quickly, "We're just eating, cuddling and playing games!"

I smirked, lightly smacking his butt on the way to his room. As I eyed him when I reached the top, he was looking up at me with such a furious, embarrassed glare that I couldn't resist running into the room with loud joyous laughter.

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