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In the last chapter...

He glanced at us and unwrapped his arms from Ryan, nodding at him before walking up to us and smiling, "It's fine. But no, he doesn't fucking touch me because I'd kick his ass."

"Hard to believe that when you're still wearing teddy bears on your pj's." I chuckled, enjoying the hardened glare he set on me.

Ryan chuckled, "You're adorable Jonathan."

I gawked at Ryan, Tyler following suite as Jonathan chuckled and marched past us. Are they together?!

In this new chapter...

{Jonathan's Pov}

A proud grin played my lips as I jogged downstairs. "We've got about thirty minutes until we have to get going. Anyone up for some anime?" I heard Ryan behind me call out with joy.

I chuckled and nodded, "I uh.. I gotta clean the kitchen first but I'll join you guys afterwards."

Ryan grinned, winking at me before sitting on the couch. Evan seemed to glare at him. We aren't dating, just a little closer now. Luke only scoffed, it's obvious him and Evan are crushing on me. Do they seriously think I'm that oblivious and dense?

I mumbled a 'shit' as realization hit me, is that why they're always glaring at each other whenever I touch each of them individually. Wtf I am not a god damn treasure piece of gold!

"Hey, you guys want anything to drink?"

"Sure, Jonnyyyyy" Tyler's voice loudly rang out, followed by a few hums or mutters of Yes or No.

"Tea;Sweet or Iced, Coffee;Decide your own sugar and creamer because there are so many different flavors, or just plain milk or water?"

Ryan hummed to the others as they stood and shuffled to the large island of my parent's massive kitchen, he continued to set up a show for us to watch, "Assassination Classroom". It's a great anime.

Tyler grinned at me, Evan nudging my left side with his elbow and Luke laying his arm on my shoulder to my right. I glared at all three internally as I rudely asked them, "What would you fucks want?"

"I want some iced tea, mother." Tyler wheezed in laughter, causing a few eruptions of giggles, of the gaggle of geesely idiots. Yes, geesely is a word you bitches.

"Right, Right. Would you like a lemon slice on the edge of the glass as well, you fucker?" I chuckled as he shook his head, "Too sour!"

I grabbed out 7 cups, Tyler, Arlan, Marcel, Luke, Evan, Ryan and Lui/David since those two lovebirds would rather share than to waste cups. I know them all too well.

"I'll take 5 tablespoons of sugar in my coffee with French Vanilla." Ryan called from the living room in joy.

I readied the tea and made the coffee with a grin. After handing Tyler his cup of tea, Evan piped up with a smile, "I'll have lemonade."

"Me too! Me too!" Lui squeaked as he sat on David's shoulders proudly, David just glancing from me to him in pretend pout.

I laughed lightly, making the lemonade with ease, "Fine, Fine."

"I'll just make my own coffee, thanks Jonathan~" Marcel hummed as he walked behind me, taking his mug from my cabinets from the last few times he'd stayed over.

"You're welcome guys."

"Say it in French! Say it in French!" Lui grinned at me and I sighed.




"Just do it, He won't stop until you do it anyway." Evan chuckled as I fake pouted.


I huffed and stood back from the counter, lightly bowing and lacing my words with a rough French accent, "Oui, Monsieur Calibre, De Rien~"

As I stood back up, my head was lightly raised in pride as my friends stared at me in awe and joy. Lui's face had lighten up at least ten times than usual, which I took as a sign as extreme pride. "I love it when you say Calibre in French! The R rolls so easily off your tongue!!" Lui practically fangirled as he kept his arms lying on top of David's head.

"You two are so adorable." The words slipped from my mouth before I filtered them, I meant to say them in French but as always, English took over.

A few nods and agreements flustered the two. Lui glancing at us as his face grew darker in red, David only chuckling as he lightly flashed me a smile. I smiled back and he lightly blushed, allowing us all to calm down as I finished handing the others their drinks.

{Ryan's Pov}

I sighed lightly, sipping my French Vanilla in a small Styrofoam cup. It had cooled a few minutes ago so simply, just after it was almost 7:20. Thank god, we only watch one episode. If we watched another, we would have gotten sucked into it or at least spent the whole day playing video games and watching movies and just simply hanging out.

"We have five minutes. We ain't got no time for the corner store. I'm sorry Lui." I apologized with a dramatic sarcasm in my voice as he whined about getting no new snacks this morning.

He huffed and just looked at Jonathan, tears visible in the corners of his eyes. I watched Jonathan shift his right hand into his pocket before pulling out a small bag of some weird crackers. "My mom bought these and sent them here from Japan yesterday."

I frowned lightly before smiling, Jonathan's mom was the only part of his family that seemed to actually care about him, besides his sister. All the others, cousins, brothers, father and step father. They seemed to hate him the most.

"It was nice meeting your family the other day, Jon." I smiled at him as he glanced back at me after handing the crackers to Lui, who squealed in delight.

"Yeah. I hope they didn't argue with you that much. They can be assholes sometimes."

"A lot of family can be assholes but you gotta find something that is flawless about them anyway."

He smiled at me and nodded, holding out his fist. I fist bumped him and grinned, childishness easing in my veins and his as we noted each other's excitement. "Anyway, how's your sister? I hope my wounds didn't scare her too much earlier this morning."

"Nah, she's fine. She just fainted five fucking times. You really have to be careful. I know it's all stitched up and bandaged but come on."

I laughed lightly, suddenly Tyler, Luke and Evan eased in on our conversation from David and Lui's. "What happened this morning?" Evan wondered.

Tyler glanced at Jonathan in pure suspicion. "I was sort of... Well. Jonathan's dad walked in while we were lightly sleeping and so we had to quickly duck under the bed from him."

"He was there this morning?!" Tyler immediately sprung to questions, "Did he find you guys?!"

"Non, Non. Oui, he was there but non we weren't found. We luckily stayed quiet besides the labored breathing of pain Ryan made!"

"Luckily, I am fine, really." I said as my friends all glanced at me in question.

"You sure you can last through today?"

"Hey, fuck you Luke. I'm not weak for fuck's sake."

I crossed my arms in protest as he chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Let's see how you feel after those bullies get ahold of your reputation values."

I frowned, glancing off into the grass as  I followed Jonathan. The rest of the walk felt purely awkward, depressing and silent for me but I could see my friend's lips moving yet I wasn't listening.

They don't CARE.

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