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In the last chapter...

As each day passed by, Ryan seemed to grow farther apart from his studies and his education and more towards his friends and especially me. "Ryan." I poked my pencil into his cheek and pulled it back once he 'moved'.

I looked at my pencil after seeing something glisten in the light, a clear-ish liquid coated my eraser and I soon realized it to be tears. "Ryan...?" I wondered, pressing my finger lightly to his cheek.

He spent that whole lunch period sleeping in the grass while I studied with Evan and Adam, Evan's new meme-obsessed and trend-obsessed friend.

In this new chapter...

Jonathan's POV

I laid my head on Ryan's lap, eyeing his face as he slept. I felt like a stalker but he really seemed out of it lately. Evan nudged my leg and nodded me over but I shook my head, "He's asleep."

"Hmm..." I heard him mumbled just above me as his eyes opened slowly.

"Is lunch over..?" Ryan groaned in laziness, sitting up straighter against the brick wall supporting him.

"No but the drama kids came over here and... Ya know."

Ryan rubbed the sleep from his eyes and glanced at me. "What's been going on lately?" I questioned him.

"Not much." He grinned at me, causing me to smile back, "Alright I guess we should get going then."

I slowly got up before adding, "You seem out of it lately. I was just wondering ya know."

He seemed shocked for a moment but as I turned the corner and glanced at him one more time, he was up and walking with a small smile. I'm still curious.

Evan's POV

I was wondering where Ryan and Jonathan were. The drama kids wanted to start some shit again, the same as last Friday of course.

I felt a slight hint of heat creep up my neck and around my chest as I watched the two of them, hand in hand, come from around the corner.

"You fuckers should have hurried up before this escalated too fast." Luke chuckled, arms crossed and glaring ever so noticeably at Ryan.

"Were you two fucking by the tree or some shit?!" Tyler shouted, unaware that the drama people were just behind him until they spoke.

"Little Johnny's gay~?"

Tyler flinched and turned around to glance at the culprit. Fearing the worst, I turned to Jonathan but he was already teary eyed. I growled and glared at the drama kids.

"You should be well aware of your surroundings, piglet." A Blondie chuckled, her sparkly blue eyes reminded everyone of Jonathan's.

"Come on Jonathan. We're going to go see mother after school now aren't we?" A sinister look overtook the girls eyes and she snickered at his fearful expression.

"You don't gotta do this." Jonathan glared harshly at the girl.

Luke seemed to glare as well, hatred glinting his eyes. "Is that your older sister Jonathan?"

"The damned bitch she is, yes."

"Ah, ah, ah. You gotta join drama club or I'm telling mom~"

"You snobby sack of shit." Tyler growled at her.

Jonathan felt like curling into a ball, it was very evident on his expression but he quickly retorted, "You know I could never. I suck at fucking drama, you stupid slut of a sister. And my friends wonder why I've got such bad English and it's all cuz if you and your damned bitchy mouth, always cursing and complaining in fucking monotone slang with a silly fake accent just to be popular. And how old are you now?! What are you, fucking eight?!"

We all stared at him in shock, much too speechless to react and retort against her as well. Her eyes were wider then her mindset, the close minded bitch she was.

All she could do really was shut her mouth and walk away with her shame or run off and tell a teacher about how triggered Jonathan was being with his words and choice of speech. That wouldn't solve anything though.

She fled, smart decision on her behalf, tails tucked between her and her squads legs as they fled the old tree Ryan and Jonathan usually lean against.

"Thank fucking god." Jonathan snickered, newfound confidence lacing his tone and expression.

"Feign weakness to falter the fakers." Luke's voice seemed to be fiddled with confidence as well.

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