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Welp, sorry for my "long" break but I am back now and ready to update! :D

In the last chapter...

We all settled among the many blankets and pillows in the room of the U shaped couch. I allowed Scotty, as usual, to rest his head on my chest with a soft pillow underneath my back and neck.

Luke had taken the entire left side of the U while Arlan took the whole middle, both of their heads meeting at the intersection where they shared a large quilt and pillow stuffed animal.

I lightly patted Scotty's head with my right hand, he seems to enjoy that so I did it unconsciously. He'd occasionally chuckle at the movie or move around to get in a more comfortable position. I relaxed, lazing around like the spoiled teen I was.

In this new chapter...

{Tyler's Pov}

I cracked my eyes open, feeling a shifting weight on my chest and stomach with a fluffy curl of hair poking my cheek ignorantly and stubbornly as I tried brushing it aside many times. "Mngh.." I grumbled as I opened my eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust before glancing at the weight on my torso.

Craig's head laid on my chest, his head dug into my neck with his soft warm breathes causing shivers down my back. He stirred lightly, deep in sleep still but wrapping an arm absent-mindedly around my neck to cuddle more into me.

I wrapped my arms around his torso, hearing a soft click in the direction of my door. Glancing towards it, a feminine shadow of legs and feet stood under it. "Tyler, Craig? Dears?" Her soft voice entered as the door creaked open to reveal a delectable scent of apple pie and homemade cinnamon buns.

Craig stirred before perking up, lifting himself up off my torso before sending me a smile that sent me into stutters, "Morning, Tyler.."

His voice was husk but soft and sweet. I gulped lightly, grinning back as I sat up, "Good morning, sleeping beauty. Hey, mom."

"Good morning, dears. Breakfast is ready and I've made you both a cup of coffee."

"Mom, did you do the dishes last night?" I piped up instantly, glancing at her guilty face.

"I'm sorry, dear but they had to get done and your father was out late... Um, again."

"You could've just awoken me." I responded with a soft smile as Craig stood.

"I didn't want to interrupt your adorable cuddles and movie watching last night." She chuckled, leaving the room and softly closing the door.

I stood up behind him, sliding an arm around his waist with a smile. I spun him around, planting my lips against his soft ones. I watched his eyes widen before softly blinking close. My eyes closed after as well and once I broke the kiss, I opened them to see him smiling with a peaceful look upon his face. 

"I love you, Craig"

"Love you too, Fuckboi." [My computer says that 'Fuckboi' is 'TuckBox'. Wtf, laptop?!]

I chuckled as his laughter softly echoed in my room. "Let's get ready. Wanna shower together after breakfast?"

He nodded excitedly as he leaned close to my chest. I wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close to me as we left my room to head to the kitchen down the hall. His dark grey, yellow striped pajamas were over-sized by a long shot but it made him look all the more adorable.

As we reached the kitchen, my mom set out the stools at the long and huge island. Craig's face lit up as he saw the feast sprawled out on the counter for us to serve ourselves. "Should I get the two servants? Isabella and Mattie?"

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