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In the last chapter...

She fled, smart decision on her behalf, tails tucked between her and her squads legs as they fled the old tree Ryan and Jonathan usually lean against.

"Thank fucking god." Jonathan snickered, newfound confidence lacing his tone and expression.

"Feign weakness to falter the fakers." Luke's voice seemed to be fiddled with confidence as well.

In this new chapter...

Jonathan and Ryan walked everywhere together. Hand in hand, smiles on their faces and knowing grins in their hearts with every glare they received.

They're just jealous of how perfect our relationship is and how unbreakable we will be. Ryans thoughts rang out, syncing with Jonathan's in an instant as they both looked at each other.

Red strings bonded the two like books but this string could be broken. Their happiness could be shattered. All it needed... Was a pair of large scissors and three pairs of hands.

Cuts lined his wrists, with the help of both his parents and siblings. He didn't feel safe at home anymore. He wasn't safe at school. He was not even safe at Jonathan's house. Ryan was nearing an end, his breathing and heart beat increasing.

I wish this was over... I wish this was a dream...

Jonathan smiled at him. His panic attack had softened as his cheeks were laced with tears. Gays, incomprehensible guys who were happy being homo lovers.

No one likes them, not the lesbians, not the gays, not the pans. They were given constant trouble. Trouble that led to an end as soon as it began.

Jonathan left, homeschooled and occupied with an overdose of family. Ryan was heartbroken, broken up with over letter, over mail through his favorite place.

They used to meet after school, large clear fresh water pond that never changed water levels and was always clear of people.

One day, he fled to escape the attacks of his family, deciding to meet up with Jonathan like they scheduled every day.

But there was an envelope with hearts on it and a crown sticker on the back near Jonathan's name stamp. But as he opened it, his vision faded and he felt the same hurt.

No where is safe for me. No one is safe for me. No way am I ever going to be safe... I'm gonna die.

His thoughts were interrupted by a bird, a blue jay that landed on his shoulders.

"Woah! They just fly right onto your shoulder so simply!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"Yeah. Animals, especially fucking birds, seem to love me so much. I guess I'm trustworthy to them."

Jonathan smiled at him and pecked his cheek, "You're trustworthy to me too, RyRy. I love you so much."

"Thanks... I love you too, babe."

Ryan shuddered as more tears fell and he shouted off into the cool air, the birds stood on his shoulders in sorrow, "WHY?!"

He didn't rip the letter, he didn't throw it away. He kept it to remind himself of how much of a fuckup, lonely sack of shit he was. How unloveable he actually was and how he was betrayed.

He stayed by that clear blue pond, relishing in the blue he missed oh so much. He stayed until his older brother dragged him home at midnight.

He didn't sleep. He didn't eat. He didn't bother waking up the next day or even the day after that.

He wanted to die. He knew how to. He wanted to commit suicide. Disappear. Leave. Erase his life so simply with so much pain he so much as deserved. Probably drown himself in his own blood from his sliced up wrists. His first breakup, first boyfriend. First. Lover.


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