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I put up a facade in my mother's face this morning to mask my depression. But I managed to fight through it by music and what not so I could update this story since I didn't update on the 29th. You'll love the next chapter, by the way~ Enjoy!

In the last chapter...

I sighed and walked in the school gates as a school counselor walked out to close them, Ryan limping by my side with an arm around my shoulder and Tyler's shoulder. It's a good thing we both have classes together all day. Also a good thing we don't have gym until second semester. He should be good for today then.

As we fled to our lockers slowly, our homeroom teacher glanced out her door at us but nodded to me from inside. I hope she understands why we're late, all these teachers love Ryan. Except for Coop the slutty teacher of slutville.

In this new chapter...

...5 weeks later...

{Jonathan's Pov}

A light tapping echoed behind me, my own shoes making soft taps along the marble flooring. A soft sigh was heard from Luke as Ryan stood in front of me with a smile. I grinned back, wrapping my arms around him tightly, "Welcome back from the hospital."

"Yeah." Ryan spoke softly, he wasn't limping or in pain anymore since his wounds had healed over the past few weeks.

He softly kneeled on the ground, his arms lightly stretched out behind him. I grinned and wrapped my arms around his neck as both of my legs wrapped around his waist, "Mr. BunBun is back!"

We heard a few chuckles as Evan strolled softly down the highway, he looked annoyed as fuck by Sydney. "Babe, we should go to the mall again sometime! Ya know, and get those heels I saw last weekend!"

Her voice was loud and squeaky, less squeaky than Lui's but still squeaky and annoying. Tyler glanced over, his arm softly hoisted upon short Craig's left shoulder as he leaned lightly into him. "Hey, Sydney lay off would ya? We have boy's game night tonight and this weekend so fuck off our bro, bitch."

She looked over at him, spotting me i nthe process and sharing a glare before hmphing at Tyler and strutting off, swaying her hips and seducing a few boys around the corner probably. "Evan, she's bad news."

"I'm only doing it for the competition this year." Evan smirked, "If I keep that bitch wrapped around my finger, I can probably get laid first."

"Oh, I wanted to add a new rule. You have to fuck a male to get in first place now. Second place is fucking a girl."

"Bruh, I'm straight. S.T.R.A.I.G.H.T. I'm not gay, I can't fuck a man!" Evan complained as we started walking towards our large set up neighborhood. 

"I don't care if your straight, bi, pans, or even fucking gay as all hell. We made those rules so it would be different and more difficult to boost your ego since last year we got in trouble with the teachers." 

"I guess first place won't be yours, Ev." I joked.

All of the group stopped and looked at me. "What?"

They quickly chuckled, mischief in their eyes as they formed a group, me and Ryan left out. "What are you guys doing?" Ryan muttered but only stifled a laugh as Evan smirked at us.

A few minutes later...

I growled in distrust of my own friends, "How dare you fuckers make me the main target for first place!"

"You aren't taking place in it and besides, it's going to be difficult to get you into bed anyway now that you know. Besides, you are a gay guy."

"This is unfair! Come on! Why don't I get a say in this bullshit?!" I argued but they turned their backs and changed the conversation to video games that are coming soon in GameStop.

"Can we stop at GameStop?" Lui bartered as he looked at us all, innocence and pure in his eyes yet a deceiving grin on his expression, "David got his allowance of a hundred bucks today."

"Lui..." David whined but walked into the store anyway.

It seemed like everyone forgot bout what happened to Ryan last time until Ryan and I both stepped inside, hand in hand. They all circled around him, protecting him and looked around for his father in cautious rebellion. 

"I knew my stupid worthless piece of shit of a son would come running ba-" He paused as he glanced at Ryan, me and the large circle of friends.

He must have noticed my hand intertwined with Ryan's because he added, "With your new stupid gay piece of shit shortie as well."

Ryan just walked past him, Tyler and Evan staying in between him and his father as they walked. I stayed to the right of him, my hand tightly gripping his and his in response in the same way.

{Tyler's Pov}

I watched his annoyed expression and his body language in my peripheral vision. I remember in self-defense classes last year, if they move their arm behind them and puff up their chest as males, they're preparing to hit or run.

His chest puffed up but his arms crossed over them. I kept my eyes on him as we moved closer to the rack of xbox one games. As I saw his arms lower to his sides, I spun around in time to catch his fist which was aimed at...

I glanced to where his fist was facing in a split second... JONATHAN!

Glancing back quickly at this man, his fist collided with my forehead causing an immense amount of pain. I stuttered back a few steps as my friends just grabbed the games and fled behind me. 

This man's co-workers quickly entered the scene, shaming him for hitting me. A few looked at me in shock and one even fainted. Was I bleeding? "Tyler, are you okay?" Evan's voice rang loudly in my ears and I quickly covered where this fucker hit me with one of my hands.

"Ugh." I groaned quietly, feeling Craig's arms wrap gently around my waist.

"You're bleeding! Evan!" I watched Craig turn towards Evan, ushering him to call an ambulance on his phone.

Ryan's face was dark with anger and rage, I could see his eyes darken and glaze over as he marched up behind his father's turned back. He lightly tapped his shoulder. "Ryan??" I mumbled, leaning against the wall as Craig sat me on the ground.

{Ryan's Pov}

I tapped my finger impatiently again on my father's shoulder. He spun around and stuck a hand near my face to smack me but I quickly dodged it by squatting down. I launched myself up, knocking him in the stomach with my fist and hitting the bottom of his jaw with the top of my head, "You bastard!" He groaned.

I walked away from him quickly as his co-workers held him back, the cops must be on their way then. I gathered my bags and slung them over my shoulder, helping up Tyler as Craig gingerly but gently placed a cold rag to his forehead.

We heard sirens outside before watching as Tyler was gently escorted into the back of an ambulance with Craig and Evan at each side. I carried Jonathan on my shoulders gently, "We should just head home and see if Jonathan's older sister can take us to visit him at the hospital."

"This happens way too often." Jonathan added as we turned onto his street, our group of friends trailing behind us with annoyance.

Maybe this time we'll be free from my father's grasp. 

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