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I survived without internet for about a whole week and a half so I hope you can forgive me for these really late updates. i have school this whole week but tomorrow[Monday], we have a two hour delay so it's all good. I might get about three updates tomorrow and throughout this week. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

In the last chapter...

The French room was so lose until someone... or some people... blocked out path. As I looked up, I felt faint. Eyeing me up and down was one of Banana Bus Squad's worst enemies... Their eyes black as coals and fiery in their eyes from last year.

"Oh... We're fucked boys..." I mumbled through grit teeth and fearful tones that alarmed my friends.

In this new chapter...

{No One's POV}

A muffled cry for help left pink, plump lips as soon as the tall Canadian was shoved aside by a buff, tall Caucasian male who wrapped his arms around Jonathan's waist and shoved a hand in his jeans, alarming his friends and causing grins on this male's friends' face.

This posture and movement was made to startle an opponent and alarm them, making them vulgar or vulnerable to attacks depending on their personality. "Jonathan!" Craig's voice was muffled by a hand smacking over his mouth, alerting Tyler instantly and angering him.

The group of friends instantly toughened up as the seniors surrounded them with snickers and sneers. Top players of this school. "Oh for fuck's sake, leave us alone, Chris!"

Craig's outburst was again muted by 'Chris' as a loud smacking sound echoed in the halls. Craig whimpered and growled in disbelief as he gripped his cheek, ignoring the stares of his worried friends and Tyler's angered expression. Steps were heard from the hall just a few feet from the intersection.

"We gotta move, luv." One of the female dykes spoke out, shoving Tyler towards a closet to torment them.

Jonathan seemed to freeze up as he glared harshly at the closet before glaring at Chris and his gang of players. "L-Leave us alone." Jonathan growled.

"What was that, little bottom bitch~?"

Jonathan tensed as the hand pulled teasingly on one of his jean pockets from the inside. "Stop it, you mother fucker!" He snapped back, squirming as the male held him even harsher.

Evan glared at Jonathan's captor, taking a single step before noticing the pained frown that overtook Jonathan's confident grin and the smug smirk of his captor. He could see this male's hand gripping Jonathan's hip harshly on the outside and clutching Jonathan on... possibly his ass.

The captor snickered and moved his hand on the outside to Jonathan's shoulder, his arm outstretched in front of Jonathan's face with a soft glint of trust that this was a better position.

Jonathan instantly snapped, biting the hand holding him, puncturing the skin as a few tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. His friends burst into rage quickly, attacking the players before getting shoved into the closet and locked in there.

Jonathan whimpered as a lantern turned on, lighting up the small closet to show his hands zip tied together. He wasn't digging how vulnerable he was feeling and how short and small he was compared to these assholes.

"Hey! Let us go you fucking mother fuckers!" Tyler growled, launching another attack at Chris and shoving him into a pile of boxes.

Tyler was easily pinned by one of Chris' buddies, his muscular arms easily pinning the dominant pig against the wall. Craig cried out in pain as he was shoved against one of the shelves that held books. The shelf tipped over, Craig following with it and the books toppling over top of him.

Evan growled as he fought off the male attacking Craig, unable to help Tyler or Jonathan as Chris and his friends tended to the small group. "Always gotta ambush us when we're all split up, don't you fucking pricks?!" Craig's voice still rang out in defiance as two males fought Evan into a corner.

Jonathan scampered from his captor's grip to Craig as his captor lazily let loose to lock the door. He crawled over, holding up Craig's head and glancing at his wounds occasionally, "Are you alright?!"

Chris stood, towering over Jonathan and Craig, intimidating them with such ease. Both of them lowered their heads but kept glares at him as they defiantly crowded into the corner. Craig kneeled in front of Jonathan, keeping him guarded in the corner as he spread his arms out in front of Jonathan.

"You can't hurt him. Just leave us alone you pricks." His voice was calmly content and confident until he was kicked in Evan's direction.

Jonathan punched Chris in the crotch, retreating into the corner some more as Chris toppled over in front of his friends who snickered and sneered softly some more. "Seems the leader's down. Time to have some fun on our own I guess." One of them spoke softly, stepping towards Jonathan with a sinister smirk.

"He's dealing with enough shit already! Leave him alone, you mother fuckers!" Tyler screamed as loud as he could in anger, shoving the males into the door and easily breaking it open as soon as one of them had reached out towards Jonathan.

Jonathan whimpered to himself softly as he hugged his knees. Craig quietly crawled up to him and wrapped his arms around him. They all knew what he had been seeing. He wasn't seeing the bullies, but merely his own flesh and blood.

[Aha. Accept this foolish yet angst-y writing of drama and shit. You can bet that Chris will be coming back~]

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