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In the previous chapter...

"GOD DAMN IT SCOTTY!" Marcel shouted as he was hit with a third bomb in a row, "NOW I'M IN LAST PLACE, YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

"That's what you get for laughing at me earlier, Marcy~!" Scotty laughed at Marcel's anger.


In this new chapter...

Also... HEY BITCHES! I'M BACK! Actually, I never left but ya kno.

The door creaked open slowly and a bold voice called out, "Hello~?"

"Toonz!" Jonathan's voice rang out with excitement, a plan forming in his head, "Marcel was looking for you earlier so I told him what you had planned. Did you do it?"

"Yeah. Where's Marcel at?" Luke smirked at his friend, Jonathan already knowing.

"Game room."

"Got it."

"Have fun. Ii'm waiting for Jack and Mark to get here still."

Luke grinned, "They'll be an hour. Just come chill, they'll come whenever."

"Ohoohohhh. Okay." Jonathan blushed lightly and giggled, walking from his stool by the door to sit on the laps of his three lovers with a smirk.

"What's up, bitches! The demon is here!"

Marcel jumped up and grinned, "Hey bro!"

"Yo, Marcel."

"Drinks on the counter, I recommend the tea or fruit ones."

"I recommend the vodka, dude!" Tyler called out, grabbing Marcel's controller and handing it to Evan for him to play.

Craig reached out for a controller as Tyler walked over with three of them. "Who else wants to play?"

"Me and Marcel need to talk in the backyard." Luke smiled, tugging Marcel after him as he fled the room with a small wave, grabbing a vodka on the way.

Jonathan broke into a fit of giggles, "I suck at Mario Kart 8, fuckers. Fuck that shit."

Ryan grabbed the controller from Tyler, "I wanna try this."

Jonathan sprawled himself out on Bryce's, Evan's and Ryan's laps, lying his head in Evan's lap and giggling each time Ryan would 'accidentally' brush his finger against the bottoms of his socks.

Marcel stumbled along, sliding gracefully across the hardwood floors as Luke practically dragged him into the beautiful darkness outside. "Oh damn, dude, look at the moon."


Luke grinned and wrapped his arms around Marcel in a tight hug, "So hey, I figured since you know about what I did before I got here, I could cut to the chase."

"Huh?" Marcel hugged back with a small smile, "What's up, dude?"

"Want to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

Marcel flushed and timidness crept up on him from nowhere. "S-Sure. Sounds fun. Yeah, I'd love that."

Luke smiled and pecked his cheek, "Awesome, I'll just drag you to Starbucks with me tomorrow morning so we can begin. Hopefully we can end it with a bang, just you and me~"

Marcel stuttered, "W-Wha, a bang? Yeah."

Luke smirked and wrapped his arms around the shorter males' waist, the other leaning back into his warmth comfortable with an expression of relief and joy. "Ya know, I really do love you Luke."

Luke smiled, "Yeah I know. I love you too."

Short and Sweet. Won't be having a long chapter until next weekend hopefully. APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE MY DUDES!

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