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In the last chapter...

He finished wrapping my abdomen and stood up, holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it tightly and heaved myself from the ground. "Than-"

Warmth muted my lips and I immediately heated up as I saw his bright blue eyes close briefly before opening when he broke away. "There, have some sugar~"

I watched him leave, a smirk on his lips. I chuckled and pressed my finger to my lips with a smile. He swayed his hips and almost immediately my hope sprung into the air. Fuck you, depression~.

In this new chapter...

{Evan's Pov}

I rang the doorbell of Jonathan's large blue two story house. He should've been up and out here at least an hour ago. The door opened and me, Tyler and Arlan burst out laughing. "Teddy Bear pajamas?!" I fell the the ground, my stomach starting to hurt as I laughed even harder.

"Fuck you guys..." Jonathan mumbled, his glazed over, sleepy eyes glaring at us in drowsiness, "You guys had any bekfest yet?"

Tyler wheezed, Arlan shaking his head softly. I glanced behind Jonathan, seeing the bastard that managed to stay in this luxurious house overnight. "He's staying at your place this weekend, Tyler. Don't even laugh, you assholes."

He stepped aside, allowing us to enter. I breathed in a deep air, it always has smelled like sake and cheery blossoms. "Who drinks sake in your family and sprays cherry blossom cologne or perfume?" I wondered out loud.

In the corner of my eye, Ryan tensed up and winced, Jonathan tensing up as well as he glanced at me. "My um.. My mum, why?"

"No reason. Just curious." I muttered, suspicion lacing my voice.

"So... Where's your father at, Jonathan?" Arlan spoke softly, his accent over riding his

Jonathan cleared his throat and wondered into the kitchen, "N-Navy Yard. I made some strawberry and blueberry waffles, you guys want any? I have plenty of syrup and stuff to put on it if you guys are hungry. We have about a-"

I interrupted him, "Jonathan are you okay? You're talking a bit fast."

Tyler butted in as well, "Daddy issues?"

Then Arlan piped up finally, "Guys..."

I started laughing, "If he was having daddy issues, I'm pretty sure he'd be more of a coward from his dad touching him every night or something."

Arlan stayed silent as usual but when I looked around, Tyler was wheezing but he paused when Jonathan ran out of the room. Ryan stood from the couch, taking off after him. I immediately felt guilt creep up but let it slide past as I cleared my throat awkwardly.

Tyler glanced at me, questioning what just happened like me but Arlan just glared at us like we just offended the school principal all over again. "What?" I innocently asked him.

"Evan... Think about it." Tyler's eyes widened with the venomous, almost clear words Arlan spoke in pure and utter quiet disappointment. 

We foolishly looked at each other before bolting up the stairs to apologize, "Jonathan!! We're sorry!"

We stopped and watched as Ryan carefully held Jonathan in his arms, arms wrapped around his head and caressing the top cautiously. He stared at us in pain but also slight disappointment. "We're sorry, Jonathan... We really had no idea."

He glanced at us and unwrapped his arms from Ryan, nodding at him before walking up to us and smiling, "It's fine. But no, he doesn't fucking touch me because I'd kick his ass."

"Hard to believe that when you're still wearing teddy bears on your pj's." I chuckled, enjoying the hardened glare he set on me.

Ryan chuckled, "You're adorable Jonathan."

I gawked at Ryan, Tyler following suite as Jonathan chuckled and marched past us. Are they together?!

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