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In the last chapter...

He didn't sleep. He didn't eat. He didn't bother waking up the next day or even the day after that.

He wanted to die. He knew how to. He wanted to commit suicide. Disappear. Leave. Erase his life so simply with so much pain he so much as deserved. Probably drown himself in his own blood from his sliced up wrists. His first breakup, first boyfriend. First. Lover.


In this new chapter...

Warmth. It cascaded around his sides in layers of bearable joy. Ryan was confused, it had been three days. All alone, family left on vacation.

He was home alone. Maybe it was Buddy. He cracked open his eyes. He slept good for once. "Morning, lovely~"

His breath and voice, all caught up in his throat as he heard Jonathan. Tears gathered in his eyes and he swiftly turned to clutch the warm being hugging him.

"Sike." Tyler's cruel mocking tone haunted him.

He sat up and wiped his eyes. He was never vulnerable Infront of his friends. "Sorry..."

"Don't apologize. He misses you too. How come your not coming to school anymore or playing video games?"

"I..." Ryan broke down into a sob, burying his head in his knees as he bowed his head.

Tyler seemed unsure but wrapped his arms around his friend, he was warmer then a dog. Ryan's broken sobs seemed to taunt him and only made his sobbing worse.

"Hey.. Ryan?"

He looked up to see the blue god of his life. He hopped up and launched himself at him, "Johnnyboy!"

Jonathan wrapped his arms around the vulnerable hurt male. "Why.. are you crying? Tyler did you hurt him?!"

Tyler shook his head as Ryan shoveled words from his mouth in a rush, "I thought you wanted to leave me! You left me a note at our usual pond!"

"I did what? I've been sick this past week, RyRy.." Jonathan pecked his cheek, tears seemed to stream down his face now too.

Ryan carefully held Jonathan's cheeks in his hand as he kissed his face all over, desperation in his eyes as if this were another dream.

He let out a choked sob and hugged his lover even harder. He'd never felt so relieved and lived in his life.

"God... Baby is this what you've been doing these past three days?"

Ryan couldn't respond with words, so he nodded. Tyler and Jonathan led him to the downstairs kitchen. "Tell me everything."

Ryan held the letter tight in his hands and showed them the letter stamp, Jonathan's eyes glared at it with hatred. "My sister made that for me. She had to have done it."

Ryan handed him the letter and sniffled, rubbing his eyes repeatedly. Evan approached them from the fridge, sorrow clear in his eyes as Jonathan read the note out loud.

"I don't ever want to see your disgusting face again. Stay away from me and my family. We don't like your presence. I've been lying to you this whole time." Jonathan paused to breathe in deeply before continuing,

"You're nothing but a worthless and stupid mother fucker. Who the hell would love such a stupid idiotic fuckup like you?!"

Jonathan was in rage and gripped the letter harshly. He ripped it to shreds and threw it away. He then threw out the trash bag despite its emptiness.

He returned to the room and immediately wrapped his arms around Ryan's torso, "I am so fucking sorry... I don't know who did it... But I will find them. I'm going to kill them and send pictures of them in the nude around school."

"It must have been someone from the school for sure then."

"..." Luke stayed quiet next to Marcel, guilt creeping on him.

"Luke." Jonathan glanced over.


Luke sparked up, "Huh?"

"You're on my side right? We're gonna fuck up the bitch that wrote this letter?"

Luke took a step towards Jonathan and placed a hand on his shoulder, Evan kept a glare his way.

"I'm sorry." Luke started but noticed it click in everyone's mind, instant regret coating his expression,

"Evan wanted you to himself."

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