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It's like 4:30 when I'm writing this because I couldn't sleep so oh well, might as well be productive instead of waste away time.

In the last chapter...

We heard sirens outside before watching as Tyler was gently escorted into the back of an ambulance with Craig and Evan at each side. I carried Jonathan on my shoulders gently, "We should just head home and see if Jonathan's older sister can take us to visit him at the hospital."

"This happens way too often." Jonathan added as we turned onto his street, our group of friends trailing behind us with annoyance.

Maybe this time we'll be free from my father's grasp. 

In this new chapter...

{Jonathan's Pov... I also noticed I do Jonathan's view a lot...}

I sighed, dragging Ryan behind me as we followed our friends to Tyler's room. It literally took us 30 minutes to get here. Marcel lightly knocked on the door, flirting with the nurse on the way. "Come on in." Craig's soft voice was the only thing heard from inside.

I pushed open the door and watched my friends walk in, Craig's face was completely red. "Um... Do we want to know?" Ryan chuckled as Craig frantically shook his head.

"They were making out probably." David laughed as both of their faces grew hot. 

"W-We weren't. He's been laying his head on my chest for a few minutes since I was out cold and  I caught him so I mean, why wouldn't he be embarrassed?" 

The room burst into fits of giggles. "Tyler!" Craig groaned, crossing his arms. 

"So how are you doing?" Evan checked up as he entered the room, I turned towards him and grinned as he held a tray with small paper cups filled with water.

"I'm doing well now. I was better when you guys weren't here." Tyler chuckled, his rude jokes never failing to make us all smile.

"Well duh, you and Craig were enjoying time together which is so rare." David mocked, his arms sassily crossed over his chest.

I looked around at all my friends and laughed, suddenly alarming them. "Jon, you okay?" Tyler lightly wheezed as he laughed.

"Yeah, I'm just happy you weirdos are my friends and not some normal geeks and nerds or jocks." I laughed as they all chuckled or giggled along.

{Craig's Pov}

10 minutes earlier...

I looked off into space, staring at his face as if he'd suddenly wake up. They said he might get put into a coma. He was only punched in the forehead by a 40 year old man, Craig, don't worry too much. Then again, it was bleeding so... He was seriously hurt!

I sighed, crossing my arms over one another in between where his left arm was and the side of the hospital bed railing. I wanted to put it down but I guess I could take a soft nap before the guys get here.

I lay my head on his chest as it rose and fell repeatedly. His breathe was soft and quiet. It was so peaceful, I let my eyes close for a split second and lulled myself to sleep. I observed this man's muscles beneath me, he was more fit than he actually appeared.

Before I could disappear into the dream loud, a loud snort and laughing alerted me. His chest heaved and I flinched. "C-Craig?!" His laughter grew louder.

I sat up quickly and glanced over at Tyler, glaring at him as my face grew hotter than the sun. "What!"

"N-Nothing! It's just so funny that you just randomly decided to lay your head on my chest." I groaned and crossed my arms, glaring at him as my face grew even hotter. 

"This is never leaving me is it..."

His harsh laughter grew softer as he made eye contact, his gaze was so soft and striking that I felt captured by his glazed over eyes. He must be in deep thought about something. "T-Ty?"

Thank god that  Evan left to get water since the guys would be here soon. It really would have followed me yet if he was in here, I probably wouldn't have done it.

As I zoned back in from my thoughts, Tyler's face was desperately close. I flushed bright red, my eye widening as I fell back slightly, leaning slightly away. His breathe cascaded hot gleams along my lips and  I froze as he got closer.

I squeezed my eyes shut before hearing harsh laughter and wheezing again. "You fucking bitch!" I growled, lightly punching his chest.

"Y-Your face!" He laughed even harder.

"Be careful, you idiot. Besides, why were you so close to my fucking face?!" I groaned, sighing and trying to calm my beating heart.

Just as I had managed to calm my breathing, the door was knocked on and I had noticed Tyler wink at me. "C-Come in!" I flinched, my face probably even more red than earlier. Why does he have this stupid effect on me?!

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