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Sorry if this turns out to be shit. Enjoy?

In the last chapter...

Evan, Jonathan, Droid and Lui all held me tightly as I continued feeling hot tears roll down my cheeks and fall onto my lap. My vision blurred and I noticed how light headed I began to feel. "Guys..." I murmured as I fell limp, my world darkening as a loud shout and the scurry of multiple feet descended into the back of my mind.

I want my friends... I want to touch them... I want to hug them.. I don't want to hurt anymore...

Why is this happening to me...?

In this new chapter...

{Brock's Pov}

I couldn't believe it, his limp body just lay there and his face was just emotionless and bland. Brian's arms were wrapped gently around my waist, I only nuzzled my face more into the crook of his neck, watching Ryan's body as the soft beeping of the heart-machine lulled his sleep.

His chest was heaving up and down slowly, taking three or four seconds in between each breath. His eyes were still closed but me and Brian caught a few tears roll down his cheeks every few minutes. "He has to be okay..."

Silence filled the room, all 10 of his only best friends in the entire school surrounded his hospital bed. This was beginning to feel like a funeral. I poked  Evan and nodded at him as the door behind us opened swiftly and closed quietly.

"I have the results." The nurse began, looking us over.

She smiled at the last person she laid her eyes upon, Ryan. I looked from the nurse to Ryan, his eyes were opened but a dull color, so bland and glazed over in distress. "R-Ryan?" Lui's voice piped up, cueing the bright gleam of joy in his eyes as he rose up on his elbows.

"He's obviously okay and not in a coma, so that much is good. It's just that... he is going to be gravely affected by his father emotionally."

Jonathan visibly frowned, his arms immediately wrapping around the torso of Ryan as he practically glared at the nurse for even saying the word father. "He can stay at Jonathan's house. It's only him, his sister and his mother anyways." Tyler shrugged, eyeing Ryan curiously.

Jonathan nodded quickly, ignoring the strange look from his sister as he clung desperately to Ryan. I smiled and nuzzled my head with a soft hum, closing my eyes. "Come on. Let's head home. You look a bit tired, Brock." Brian's voice lulled me deeper into peace but I forced my eyes to open as he separated from me.

"Fine.." I whined, following him out of the room after smiling at Ryan with joy. He finally woke up to greet us with a healthy view.

{Jonathan's Pov}

I sighed, it's going to be tough for Ryan to live in my house when my father gets home from the Navy Yard. I'll just try to protect him and my sister the best I can, mom's lucky she has a full 12-hour shift every weekend or I'd have to protect her too 'cause of his stupid drinking problem.

Ryan's hand gripped mine tightly, a large bandage visible around his torso since he wasn't quite allowed to wear a shirt after leaving the hospital yet. They said that they'd text us or call us to let us know when was the perfect timing. 

"I'm sorry, Jon.. I can't carry you like I usually can on my back.."

I felt tears prick my eyes but I blinked rapidly to keep them away, clutching desperately to his hand. He's my giant fluffy bodyguard but for once, and only once, I'm going to be protecting him and returning the favor. 

I glanced at him and he seemed to notice, his eyes going from straight forward to look at me then his head following suite. He smiled, a broken smile more like it. I frowned and wiped away the tears as they rolled down his cheeks. 

"It's alright... I'm always going to be here for you. All of the banana bus squad is going to be here for you, Ryan!" I declared, my friends nodding as my sister parked the SUV in front of my house.

My friends branched off, heading to their homes as me and Ryan walked cautiously and carefully into the house. "My father is home from the Navy Yard. We have to be quiet and sneak into my room." My sister ushered us inside but sneakily helped us upstairs as she grabbed the bat.

"Does this happen often?" Ryan mumbled, his voice deep and sleepy. 

I nodded, lightly pushing him into my room. "We'll hear a few yells and arguments for about an hour but when it's interrupted with forever silence, that just means my dad yelled himself out the house doors." I laughed, seeing a smile form on Ryan's lips as he lightly chuckled.

"Does it.. Does it hurt?" I wondered, poking at the bandage lightly as I looked back up at him in question.

He only shook his head and smiled, "Just a little bit but it's fine." 


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