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In the previous chapter...

With eyes wide, Ryan took one deep breath before grabbing Jonathan's hand and running. He always ran from his problems just to rebound with a plan.

Should I stop this story?

In this new chapter...

Jonathan paused in front of his house and glanced around.  Evan, Tyler and Luke were arguing in front of it.

It was a daydream, that whole thing? The shadows and all weren't real? He softly sighed and marched up the pavement to his house garage. Evan turned and shouted something at him, something about a murder on the news.

He was never worried over silly things like that, the news over exaggerated things. "There was a pregnant girl who was 14 and her boyfriend who was 19 driving to the hospital on the high way and as they were presented with a stop light, the couple was murdered in broad daylight. The girls corpse was stabbed multiple times in the belly where her baby was while the male was stabbed only in the facial area, close to the mouth. We believe this to be a hate crime on the two of them for going against the law and having under-aged relationships. To add onto the crime, the male is trans, he changed to a boy last May without telling the girl. The only person to have known this information would be the boy's family and his close friends. We suspect the father may have been drunk based on stories told at home." Evan read the article out loud with worry lacing his tone, with a deep breath he finally reminded Jonathan, "That could be Craig's older sister he used to talk about all the damn time!"

Luke argued back, "No way! He never said anything about her being trans and turning into a gay last May! He still talks about her now and refers to her as a she!"

Brock stomped in behind them before Tyler could run his mouth of vulgarity, "Listen here you idiots, have you even seen Craig today?!"

That shut them up for good, they had no clue and they were left with only inferences to make based off information from Craig. Besides that, they hadn't heard from their dear friend for over ten days. Where was he? Wherever he was, it certainly wasn't in their local neighborhood or at their state's uprising school. 

Brock calmed himself down and snatched Evan's, "Is there a picture?"

As he scrolled through, he paused ever now and then to read, his eyes scanning the screen carefully. "His last name was Thompson."

Evan smirked and stuck his tongue out at Luke. Luke let out a soft sigh, sorrow etching across his face, "Do you...Did Craig have such a hateful dad towards the lgbt community? Has he even ever talked about his father or his sister recently this month? They usually are a hype topic for him."

Brock slapped Evan with his phone and powered it off, throwing it at him and leaving him to try and catch the small smartphone with prestige and caution. Brock grumbled in irritation, "We have to go to his house. He hasn't been here for a total of ten days! That's a lot for him, he's a nerd and so kind hearted, It would be hard to believe his family would be like that."

Jonathan shook his head, "He hides it. He messaged me last night that he was going to Cincinnati tomorrow night so he was at home packing and hoping to see his sister for the first time in his life. I guess he just never knew her in the first place despite all the messaging they been doin'."

Tyler let out a soft sigh of irritation, "What's his address? I need to go see him!"

Jonathan smiled softly and headed up the steps to his house, "Come inside and I'll call him to let him know you'll be on your way over. He kind of wanted to see you to be honest with you and I know about ya know what so I figured, now is the time to let him know you love him, bitch."

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