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In the previous chapter...  

"Group Relationship?" Jonathan finished with shock lacing his tone and surprise written on his face in sharp crayons.

Evan nodded slowly, searching his eyes for a response. Bryce licked his lips softly and stared at the floor with a sort of sudden mood swing on the idea of rejection. Ryan seemed hopeful, perked up at the thought and ready for acceptance like no tomorrow.

Ryan knew Jonathan the best when it came to ideas, emotions and thoughts about things. Jonathan let a soft smile graze his lips before he responded, stars dancing in his eyes like the midnight sky smiling on the heated day of the sun previously set before it. 

"Yeah. That sounds like fun."  

In this new chapter...

A simple party just for best friends is what they wanted. But it became corrupt once they realized the person they invited and the reason they invited him. Tyler entered Jonathan's house with a flashing smile as he held up a small box of possible booze. 

"You didn't.." Evan bust out laughing, his laughter echoing among the entrance hall.

Jonathan facepalmed as he pointed at the youngest two there, Craig and Bryce. Craig went to protest but Bryce shook his head at him with a mischievous smile, "It's fine, it's fine. We'll still get some."

Ryan stood tall next to Bryce but still seemed short next to Evan by a few centimeters, maybe an inch. "Is this the party we wanted?"

Tyler nodded with great approval while the others seemed hesitant. "Bring it on in." Jonathan finally spoke with a grin.

"I also brought Scotty and Marcel along with me. Lui and David said they'd come later on, knowing I would bring some kind of booze." Tyler chuckled and leaned back out the doorway, gripping the door frame for support as he watched Marcel and Scotty carrying three other boxes.

"Alright, well come on in then." Jonathan laughed as he waved everyone further into his house. 

Evan and Ryan were the first to jump forward, bringing the two youngest trailing behind them and Tyler waiting at the door for Scotty and Marcel. Once those two entered, they cracked the door open only slightly in case the other friends would join them.

Jonathan was sitting on the L shaped couch with a platter of snacks;crackers, cheese, candy, tarts and cupcakes, and cookies, sitting on the table. He grinned as Tyler placed the case of booze on the island in the kitchen.

"When do you suppose Brock and Brian will join us? I heard, they got together a week ago, from one of their female friends. She was completely crazy over them." Evan chuckled as he sat next to Jonathan.

Ryan sat on the other side of Jonathan, "Yeah. She also knows about MiniCat being canon."

In response, Craig was a laughing, flushed face mess while Tyler became a ball of stuttering protest. "We all knew it would happen eventually, Tyler."

"But, wha, I, I thought, What?!" He cleared his throat as his face flushed but then a mischievous snicker left his lips and he beckoned his lover closer to him, "Then you wouldn't mind if I kissed him, huh."

Jonathan quickly grabbed a cracker and spread cream cheese on it, he then placed another cracker on top and raised it high like he used to as a child, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

The room filled with laughter but silenced back down as a few eager eyes watched the two lovers move in close. Just as  Tyler wrapped his arms around Craig's waist and leaned down to place his lips against his, a sudden slam and 'hooplah' echoed around the room and startled the whole group.

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