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Welp, back to this story. lololololol I swear I'm happy. :')

In the last chapter...

"Be careful, you idiot. Besides, why were you so close to my fucking face?!" I groaned, sighing and trying to calm my beating heart.

Just as I had managed to calm my breathing, the door was knocked on and I had noticed Tyler wink at me. "C-Come in!" I flinched, my face probably even more red than earlier. Why does he have this stupid effect on me?!

In this new chapter...

{Craig's Pov}

We were finally able to leave. I looked at Tyler sheepishly, he was busy staring at Evan. Evan, however, spoke to Jonathan, shoving him around in a childish manner. I sighed, closing my eyes for a few seconds. I need to reorganize my thoughts.

Evan likes Jonathan but won't admit it because he's a fucking cunt, Jonathan likes Ryan but he won't admit it either, Ryan... I have absolutely no idea who he likes. Marcel flirts with girls everywhere so he's just your average player. I have no idea about anyone else.

"Why so deep in thought, Thompson?" A gruff voice alerted me, a heavy weight shifting on top of my head as he leaned against me.

I sighed, "Nothing. We're on a first name basis, you know that Tyler." 

As I began walking forward, I felt him slip his hand into mine. I didn't look back or stop walking but I just smiled, I figured out another person. "Yeah, Yeah. I know." 

"We should hurry and play games at my house! You can stay over and we can just hang like the old times. Ya know, before Mina came around!" I grinned, glancing back at him with large hopeful enthusiastic eyes.

He grinned back before shrugged at me and smirking, "I'll beat you in each one like the old times too then."

"Oh shut up." I chuckled, me and Tyler racing past our slow-poke friends and along the sidewalk of my street.

{Ryan's Pov}

I had begun to feel better so I kneeled in front of Jonathan(YOU KNOW YOU WANNA THINK DIRTY. PLEASE TELL ME I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE XD). I felt him hesitate, "Jonathan, I feel fine now. The stitches and wounds are gone now."

He gulped and wrapped his arms around my neck, his legs around my waist. I felt a soft touch of warmth on my neck and a sudden moist warmth cascading along the back of my neck. "A-Agh~" I froze up, biting my lip as I lightly moaned. 

Thank god our friends were farther behind. I felt a smack to my chest as a smirking piglet and his shortie boyfriend passed by. I blushed and flipped them off, keeping my arms hooked under Jonathan's legs. "Let's go to my house, huh?"

"Sure." I responded instantly, smiling softly as I grabbed my bag from the ground and handed it to Jonathan.

He held his bag on his right shoulder and mine on his left, his lunchbox gripped in both hands which were sprawled out in front of my neck and chest. "Hey Jonathan."

"Hmm?" I heard him hum as he nuzzled his face in my neck.

"Don't lick me again please."

"No promises. That was a manly moan you let out by the way." 

Oh he is so dead...

I blushed lightly, "You'll think it's manly when I'm balls deep in your ass." I muttered.

"R-Ryan?!" I heard him squeak then squeal in delight as I sped up my pace, jogging around the corner from our friends as I sensed them getting closer.

{David's Pov}

I lightly pecked Lui's hand, he's so adorable and light weight. 

His soft giggle alerted our friends, causing them to "casually" walk off. They waved at us and passed on to Evan's house for video games. I blushed lightly and cleared my throat. "We should go cuddle and watch movies." Lui's soft voice rang out loud and clearly.

"My parents are home though, Lui. I'm sorry."

"My house it is then."

"We're just lucky your parents aren't homophobic like mine." I sighed softly.

"They'd never hate you for being bi, David. Don't worry too much about it, alright? They're your family, no matter how you spend your life, they just want you to be happy. I know your parents, you know your parents. They wouldn't dis-own you."

"I know, I know. I'm just... I'm scared, Lui. I've never done my parents wrong and I certainly don't want 'em thinkin' I'm just rebellin'.. Lui, if... if they found out about ya know... us... I fear they'd argue over which parent caused this or what caused it and then contact your parents and it'd just ruin everythin'."

I felt his weight instantly pounce off me and he landed in front of me, his arms wrapped tightly around my neck. He pecked my lips and wiped away the few tears that gathered in my eyes. Hot tears, acid tears I'd wish to call 'em.

"I love you, David. I don't want you to have to worry about the future. I want you to just worry about the present. I promise that if anything bad happens with your parents if they find out about us, I'm going to handle it properly and pop a few questions."

I sighed softly, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer so there was no space between us. I pecked his cheek, "Thanks Lui. I love you."

He placed his warm lips on mine, tilting his head lightly. I cupped his cheek with my right hand, deepening the kiss. I broke off the kiss, a pure smile on my face reflecting from his. "Come on, let's head to your house."

He hopped back onto my back and kept his arms lying atop my head. His lips occasionally kissed the top of my head. His legs lazily swinging over my shoulders as my hands kept him in place. I love him so much. I don't ever want him to get hurt.

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