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Chapters 1-6 should all be published, if not let me know in my messages or in the comments. I think wattpad is fucking up my chapters because this has happened to another one of my fanfics a few days ago so meh. Enjoy though!

In the last chapter...{Btw, this is read in cry's voice since it's a reference to his old/current vids}

I nodded, lightly pushing him into my room. "We'll hear a few yells and arguments for about an hour but when it's interrupted with forever silence, that just means my dad yelled himself out the house doors." I laughed, seeing a smile form on Ryan's lips as he lightly chuckled.

"Does it.. Does it hurt?" I wondered, poking at the bandage lightly as I looked back up at him in question.

He only shook his head and smiled, "Just a little bit but it's fine."

In this new chapter...

{Jonathan's Pov}

I looked towards my legs, my blanket's warmth cascaded from my waist and up but as usual, I kicked my feet out from under it along with my legs and hung them over the edge of my side of the king sized bed. 

I sighed, shuffling them back underneath the warmth of the blankets, my feet instantly warming up happily as I looked over at the sleeping man next to me. I heard a few whimpers, his mouth occasionally opening and closing frantically.

I almost flipped out of bed when his hand landed on my face, lightly touching my cheek. He didn't move anymore and I figured he was having a nightmare but his eyes fluttered opened, drowsy and a little like a little kid who couldn't sleep.


His eyes slowly closed and snuggled into the blankets, his hand laying flat upon my cheek softly. I sighed, if it helps him sleep then whatever. 

I sunk down into the covers and blanket, my arms resting in front of my chest, crossed over one another as if I was a mummy. I watched his face distort into discomfort for a few seconds before a smile grazed his face.

A shadow loomed under my door and I suddenly knew everything was fucked. A drunken slur of yelled curses woke up Ryan. He jolted upright and glanced at me in question before looking in alarm as the door was slammed open and a hunched over drunk man stepped through my gates of peace, instantly breaking them to cause chaos.

I mumbled a curse myself and dragged Ryan under my bed, "Be quiet, okay?"

He nodded, carefully hugging me to his torso. He seemed more protective of me before realizing the pain soaring through his body. He gritted his teeth but kept his mouth shut. I frowned and pressed my palm against his chest lightly. 

He flinched under my hold but I knew one of the stitches had opened up. I listened carefully, hearing a soft calm breathing exercise from Ryan and the footsteps of my father followed by the slamming shut of my bedroom door.

"Ryan, you opened one of your stitches!" 

He let out a pained groan as he carefully crawled out. I instantly jumped on his lap, pulling out the peroxide from my bedside drawer and a bandage. He glared at me then the peroxide, "Do not dare."

"I am daring. You're not going to get any fucking better, Ryan."

He huffed and looked away from me, biting his lip. "Don't be such a big baby, it'll only hurt for a few seconds. If you hate pain so much then just grip my hand, you bitch."

Ryan glanced at me for a split second before sighing, "I'll be fine."

That's when something clicked in my brain but I let it alone and popped the cap of the bacteria killing bubbly liquid. He just stared at me as I raised the bottom of his tank. "Don't make this awkward. I'm just trying to help."

"I-I wasn't! I was hoping it wouldn't have been awkward anyway, you fucking assclown."

I chuckled and felt his stomach heave lightly as he laughed quietly. He bit his lip again as I poured the peroxide on his wound. I was slightly amused by the bubbling of the liquid but slightly worried in case it hurt him too much, stress was not needed in this state.

{Ryan's Pov}

I sighed internally, it's almost hard not to stare into his eyes because they're literally glowing in the dark!

"Hey Jon.."

"What's up?"

"I'm sorry." I tried not to let out a broken sob, keeping the tears in as I mumbled this.

"Huh?" Jonathan tilted his head lightly.

"I..." I sighed, "Nothing."

"Um... Alright. When I finished wrapping this, painkillers we are going to go get. Then maybe some coffee or tea. Which do you prefer, Ryan?"

"'We are going to go get.'?? And I prefer coffee. Can we go to starbucks?"

"Haha, shut up. They said no sugar, sorry." He laughed.

He's laughing at you, ya fucking idiot! He doesn't actually care about you! He's never going to fucking like your stupid gay ass! HE HATES YOU! No he's just laughing because the nurses said no 'sugar'! It's a perverted joke, take it as one! He's one of your best friends of 5 years, Ryan!

Jonathan cleared his throat and I zoned back into reality, "I-I wasn't expecting to give sugar, I just want the sugar okay?"

Jonathan burst out laughing and I immediately blushed as I realized I didn't make it any better. "Jonathan!"

He finished wrapping my abdomen and stood up, holding out a hand to help me up. I grabbed it tightly and heaved myself from the ground. "Than-"

Warmth muted my lips and I immediately heated up as I saw his bright blue eyes close briefly before opening when he broke away. "There, have some sugar~"

I watched him leave, a smirk on his lips. I chuckled and pressed my finger to my lips with a smile. He swayed his hips and almost immediately my hope sprung into the air. Fuck you, depression~.

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