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Well, I think you've had enough angst. For now. OR AM I ONLY JOKING~

In the last chapter...

Chris' unconscious, bloody, mangled up body remained on the floor. His blood cleaned off his body by the cascading water leaving the shower room. His member was literally bent to one direction then bent to the opposite direction. Jonathan noted how bloody Ryan, Tyler and Evan were.

Jonathan whimpered, sniffling in the crook of his boyfriend's neck in frightened disgust of the buff male's bloody but perverted body. Ryan set him down on the bench, near his locker. "Get dressed, I've changed all my classes to yours."

In this new chapter...

{No One's POV}

A soft sigh left the pale boy as he clung desperately to the bunnies' white hoodie. Ryan sighed softly, his arms tightly wrapped under Jonathan's legs as he carried him on his back to GameStop.

As usual, when they entered the said building, his friends surrounded him and he was forced to put down Jonathan once again as he didn't want any trouble from his homophobic fuck of a father.

His father wasn't even present but an annoying young adult stood in his place at the cashier. "Ahem.. Um, Sir?" Ryan began before the male cut him off,

"Fuck off. Your father doesn't want you in the family shop 'till this Friday. And he wants you to come alone from now on if you're gonna shop here."

Ryan cringed as a final thought came to his head, "Fucking brother."

"Fine, if his father don't want no customers then he can rot with all his money and games here. We'll just go to a closer and more nearby one to our homes." Jonathan butted in, shoving his opinions at Ryan's exhausted and hung over brother.

His brother sighed and shuffled to the back of the store, flipping them all before pulling out a cigarette. Ryan huffed, picking up Jonathan on his back and exiting in exasperation and carelessness.

"Slow down, Bunny."

Ryan seemed to perk up at that nickname, glancing at Tyler expectantly. "I never really expected myself to fucking say this... But you really deserve a god damn hug right now." The pig spoke softly, stepping forward lightly but pausing to glance at his friends.

"True. I ain't never seen him act like that around his family."

"Yeah, he's so respectful towards them all even if they're such assholes."

His friends nodded but he simply smiled and shook his head, "I don't need a hug right now. I just need a nice food and game break with the assclowns I actually care about."

They chuckled, nodding in agreement as they sent down the road and a few streets away from their neighborhood. Jokes were passed along but nothing about Ryan's family was brought up for that duration of hours they spent at the larger, better GameStop.


{Jonathan's Pov}

As each day passed by, Ryan seemed to grow farther apart from his studies and his education and more towards his friends and especially me. "Ryan." I poked my pencil into his cheek and pulled it back once he 'moved'.

I looked at my pencil after seeing something glisten in the light, a clear-ish liquid coated my eraser and I soon realized it to be tears. "Ryan...?" I wondered, pressing my finger lightly to his cheek.

He spent that whole lunch period sleeping in the grass while I studied with Evan and Adam, Evan's new meme-obsessed and trend-obsessed friend.

[I apologize everyone, but I'm rewriting this entire story in a separate book. I'll probably leave a link or tell you the title in the last chapter of this story. TnT I've gotten out of control and now the previous events seem quite foolish, so I'll be spending my whole afternoon rewriting them and fixing the whole story. I won't delete this, just mark it as discontinued. :> It was fun, but now it'll become much more fun.]

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