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So um... Let's recap? *Innocent smile*

In the last chapter...

Jonathan had stepped out of the restroom seconds before my friends burst in and watched the scene unfold. Clear distrust and disapproval was written in his expression as he glared at my father. My friends just stared at him in curiosity and my father had no idea, just glared at me occasionally.

"Ryan. Back room. Now." His voice thundered and I immediately tensed up but bit my lip and accepted my fate, walking slowly towards the back room where the devil waited inside.

I heard the door slam close behind me and tears already flew from my eyes as I blabbered out some excuse that came to my head, "It's not my fault that I am what I am!"

In this new chapter...

{Tyler's Pov-BOO!}

We all looked at the employee break room, the devil's gates where Ryan was dragged. His father found out he was gay and I know it was his older senior brother. I want to kick his fucking ass so bad now, he used to be cool but this is just pure torture.

A loud crash and slap followed by a few screams alerted us. We immediately looked at each other and ran towards the door. As it opened, Ryan remained in a messy heap on the floor, clattered and broken plates and video game discs surrounded him. His father stomped out past us and rung up our products we were buying.

He looked so peaceful but we all knew exactly what we'd have to do until his father would be calmed down from all this. I sighed and  nudged Evan, "We're carrying him to Jonathan's house. You good with that, Jon?"

Jonathan just nodded, pure shock and disgust in his eyes, rage boiling up in them. I could tell that everyone was pissed off, they looked like I did, ready to rip that fucker apart. "Alright, on three, Tyler."


"Two three, fucking go already." I growled impatiently as I heard his father's feet shuffle nearby. 

We quickly picked him up and carried him out the back door of the break room. I carefully kept my arms underneath his arms, tightly gripping his grey and white hoodie that seemed to be soaked with liquid at the back.

"We gotta hurry and get him to Jonny boy's house, okay?"

I nodded and carefully carried Ryan, an arm slung under his shoulder blades with a hand tightly grasping the front of his hoodie and another holding up his knees. Jonathan stepped out, tears slightly pricked at his eyes but he blinked a few times and wiped them away. 

"This happens too often to him."

"I know... We need to help him out someway and there's no way we can tell the cops or we lose our best game store."

"He's not afraid we'll tell the ops either. I hope you notice he knows we're stuck in a corner with a trapdoor that loops just for Ryan."

A sigh from in front of us alerted Evan. He instinctively wrapped an arm around Jonathan's waist who in return, nuzzled his head against the shoulder of him. "You guys wonder why everyone ships you two."

"We have a perfect bromance."

"Me and Luke still have a better bromance, I've known him slightly longer than I've known you. Or maybe I've known you both the same amount of years. Who knows."

Evan sulked, visibly pouting at this information that he already knew. I chuckled, feeling Ryan shift in my arms. "I think he's bleeding.." I mumbled, feeling a pretty heated liquid staining my fingers and arms.

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