Authors Note

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So, here's the story. 

While looking around the internet for Earthbound I noticed the lack of X-readers out there. I know where a small fandom, but I was really surprised that I only found one of them, and that's here on Wattpad. 

It's incomplete, and I didn't really like the pace things were going? I mean, the fangirl was a little too.... creepy for my taste. There's a fine line between a tiny crush between obsession, and this fanfiction was the pure definition of obsession. I was like... *minion voice* .... what...?

I don't mean to signal out the author by any means. In fact, I was actually inspired by this story to make my own. I'm just surprised at the lack of X-readers for this fandom.

I actually want to do something different for this story. 

Instead of using the stupid (Y/N) codes and stuff, I'm going to try and avoid those completely. I think using those codes interrupt the flow of the story. I mean, you might as well be writing in the third person at that point.  

In fact, I'm going to try and avoid describing the main character as much as possible so you have complete freedom of what you look like. I won't even try to imput my personal headcannons either. You have complete freedom over this book, but besides of what happens in the plot of course. 

So, I hope you enjoy! 

First x-reader so sorry if it sucks! 

Edit (9/19/16): #980 in adventure! thank you guys!!

Edit (12/6/16): Even though the preference is a female reader, this book is open to all genders, and sexuality. Just so we're clear, I won't bully you or treat you any different. I didn't say this before because, well I didn't expect this book to get this popular. So... enjoy!

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