Chapter 26: A Flash of Silver

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You could feel it.... yes you could... you could see it.

Some how you found yourself in a strange room, a strange dark and empty room that smelled of burning wood.

Somehow your eyes were able to see the blade of a knife, shine in the eerie light of the moon gleaming through an open window.

Somehow you were able to capture the movement of the weapon, diving down quickly towards your direction.

Somehow your mind was able to comprehend the pain you felt in your side.

You wake up screaming.

You feel like you were about to burst. Heat settled within your stomach, causing you to squirm. You felt overwhelmed, a feeling that you couldn't quiet describe, but the pain was too much to handle.

You did feel someone grip your arm, holding you down in place. Yes, you knew who this was, but you couldn't quiet see well. Your vision was blurred and your mind was fuzzy. Nothing at the moment made since. Nothing at all.

But then, the pain did eventually subside, and your vision was slowly returning back to normal. You realized you were back in Ness's bedroom, laying down on a cot that wasn't yours.

You blinked, things were back to normal but you didn't feel to great. Ness still had his grip on your arm, tightly, almost too tightly for comfort, but it was the one thing that kept you calm so you didn't say anything. In fact you couldn't bring yourself to look at Ness, you mostly just gazed at the opposite direction.

You wanted to ask what happened, but your brain felt like a plate of scrambled eggs. You assumed it was your PSI going out of whack, but what for? You were too tired to come up with a reason.

Ever since you brought that knife home, you've been having really bad nightmares and sometimes sleepless nights. Your thoughts and imagination often ran wild as you thought about its possible origins. Every time you looked at it, chills went down your spine.

The fact that you don't know your past bothered you immensely. You were sure once the peices began to fall into place, everything would be alright. Your life would return to normal.

You feel Ness slowly loosening his grip, letting go once he finally saw that eveything was normal, and let his arm fall to his lap. You noticed that he was a bit red in the face, but so many things were going on at that moment, you couldn't ask why.

The feeling of being overwhelmed finally settled down. It took a moment to collect yourself before you had the courage to speek... well telepathically, since it was late at night.

'W...what's happening?'

Ness blinked at you, then cleared his throat.

'Well, your... erm... PSI was a little unstable... so I... erm...'

You tilted your head in confusion.

Now it was your turn to blink.

'You did what?' You ask curiously.

'N-nothing... nothing at all.' Ness panicked. 'You're better now right? That's all that matters.... right?'

You knew Ness was lying. He was terrible at it. Though, he was right. You did feel a lot better. If you could read minds, you could probably find out for yourself. But alas, that was a skill that you had not yet acquired.

'I don't even understand what's going on...'

Now it was Ness's turn to collect himself before uttering out a cohesive thought.

'You woke up screaming. I look over and see a blue light filling the room. Your powers were goingnout of control, so lets just say I... leveled out the playing f-filed...'

You tilted your head, still confused at what he ment by that. Though, you trusted Ness. You knew he wouldn't do anything to harm you, and would do anything to help you out. If you didn't know any better, he probably felt guilty about the way he executed his plan to cure your problem.

You weren't mad at him. You mostly hated the fact that Ness was keeping secrets from you, for a reason you couldn't really figure out.

After a long awkward pause of silence, Ness finally returned to his bed. Not to sleep, since it was raning pretty hard outside and occasional booms of thunder shook the house. He wasn't freaking out like previous times, but he still flinched. Sleep was almost impossible f9r him at the moment, you could tell.

'Its getting colder.'

You looked up at Ness, and nodded on agreement, knowing that he was trying to change the subject.

'It is.'

Ness nods, a small smile crosses his lips.

'You used to like to play in the snow.'

You giggle lightly.

'Yeah I did. You absolutly hated the cold.'

'Yeah because teleporting in it is a pain in the butt.'

'You never bring a jacket!'

'Ah, who needs them? They just slow me down when I'm travling at the speed of light.'

'And you wonder why your but nearly freezes off.'

Ness playfully throws a pilloow at you, and you blocked it rather quickly. A flash of blue light explodes from your arm and reflects the attack, sending the pillow across the room.

He smiles, looking impressed, but a quick flash of red crossed his cheeks shortly afterwards.

'What?' You say, blinking for the billionth time that night.

Ness shook his head pretty quickly.

'It's late, I'm tired so...night.'

You were confused, but you were tired yourself.

"Night Ness." You say out loud in a low whisper, laying your head down on your pillow, and slowly falling asleep.

You didn't tell him about the dream with the knife, and quiet frankly you didn't want to.

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