Chapter 20: Shots Fired

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Your little game of Ninja continued through out the rest of the morning.

This was when you learned that Ness was quick on his feet, not to mention that he was really good at jumping across the field. You swore you saw sparkles fly with each leap... could this be PSI as well?

Either way it was a cool sight to see. You really wanted to learn how to do the same, maybe even become a master of PSI yourself.

As corny as that sounds...

Though Ness had years worth of experience underneath his belt, and yet he still loses control from time to time. It wasn't something that could happen over night, and you knew that.

You did learn PSI Healing in the spam of one night.... heck for all you knew, you knew a lot of a spells already and just forgotten how to use them.

What good that'll do you.

Any how... for now you were focused on just having fun. Thinking about the missing puzzles of your past simply stressed you out. Hell the main fact that they were missing still drove you insane.

You wondered if you could make it back to the forest... continued to play detective until you found at least something.

But.. you digressed. For now.

During a round of ninja, Ness swung his arm towards you and almost instinctively you jump out of the way. You were aware that was basically cheating, but Ness wasn't phased in the slightest.

He looked at you, giving you the same look when you two first attempted to train in the forest... as if he was studding your movements.

"That was out of my control, by the way." You say trying to cleat up any confusion.

"I know that." Ness states.

Curiously, Ness performed the same attacks once more, and you successfully dodged them all. Doges that were once again completely out of your control.

Ness stopped the attacks and smiled a little.

"What's up?" You say, feeling a small amount of pride settling in your chest.

"Seems like your psychic energy getting stronger... I mean, before this you kinda had the reflexes of a brick wall. I doubted that you were a psychic."

You weren't sure if that was a complement or an insult... either way, you took it as a plan statement. Insults weren't really Ness's style.

That was him just being honest.

"What could've helped it?" You asked.

Ness's face reddened a bit.

"I guess, since we're getting closer now, It's only making you stronger."

You paused and looked at him.

"I mean, you were able to use PSI Healing with out me teaching you. Now if that's not saying something..."

Now you were blushing.

"I don't know what is."

You nervously clear your throat


What was he hinting at?

You two were best friends of course... but it wasn't powerful enough to trigger your own set of psychic abilities.

There was another force behind it.

Had to be. It only made since.

You knew what it was, the both of you. But neither lf you were going to admit it.

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