Chapter 16: A Thousand Words

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What was the definition of insanity?

Well... lets just say you were living that right about now.

At this point, you two have been at it for a while now... at least it feels that way. You felt like you only received two hours of sleep. If that.

Ness was really serious when it came to PSI. That first hour was spent him lecturing, and you asking questions, about the different spells you could preform. Not that you expected anything different. His worst fear was hurting any one with these special abilities, hence why he refused to go to school and kept people at a distance.

As long as the fight wasn't life or death, Ness never used them on another human being. Unless, it was out of his control.

It was also the reason why he didn't have too many friends, outside of The Chosen Four.

Paula, Jeff and Poo.

It was a shame that they were so far away. Paula, who was the closest, lived in Twoson... the town that Ness thought you were from. She was always busy with the children at the daycare center that Ness rarely got to see her. His last visit was before you came and, as much as it pained you to think about it, he spent the most of his time worrying about your well being.

Putting your needs before his own....

His second friend, Jeff was on the other side of world, in a country called Foggyland. Even teleportating there is a pain in the butt... and even though they basically fought a war together, they weren't exactly close friends. They had more of a friendly rivalry for the most part, and Ness only traveled there if things were dire. You know, in terms of saving the world. They still talked over the telephone, but since Jeff is always working with his father on some type of invention, even phone calls were rare.

Poo, also lived in another country, Chommo, again on the other side of the world as well. Even during the adventure he didn't get real close to Ness. In fact, Poo served as a mentor to the group, teaching Ness and Paula how to properly use their PSI. He was very different from the rest of the group, so different that he didn't even eat the same foods. On top of that, he was the prince of Dalaam, and spent a lot of time training himself. So... even a small visit couldn't fit in.

Surly destiny had something to do with this.

Ness had another friend he met during some type of sports event, but even then he only got to see him during the summer. He was from an entirely different dimension though, not to mention a completely different timeline as well. So that's something even teleportation couldn't fix.

Well... there is a way. Though the last time he attempted, Ness nearly killed himself. So no solution there.

You just learned about the different types of PSI that a psychic wasn't allowed to use. The Forbidden PSI. One of them being Teleport Gamma. You weren't only teleporting across different dimensions, but you were also jumping different timelines as well, because of this, it wasn't the type of PSI that could be taught. It took so much energy anyway, people didn't bother with it.

Well the people who were born with PSI of course, and even that was rare outside of the Dalaamnise.

Ness was one of those rare exceptions.

You were either born with the potential to learn PSI, or flat out born with the abilities. Those who are born with the potential, their powers had to be woken up in some type of way.

Ness was born with them... witch was jarring.

You asked how that was even possible, but not even Ness could give you a straight answer.

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