Chapter 13: The Doors Unlocked

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You couldn't help it... but a sickening feeling settled in your stomach.

Remembering that you promised not to say anything, or react in a negative way you scramble for your fork and stood up. You casually walk over to the sink and put inside.

You walked right passed Ness, and sure enough you felt it.

The touch of PSI.

Part of you were secretly fascinated by all of this. You wondered what Psychics could do, other than create green balls of light that threw one clear across the room.

Part of you were afraid, admittedly.

You saw what it did to Ness. PSI was the reason he didn't go outside much, the reason why he didn't go to school and kept people at a distance.

You could tell that he had it under control now... or at least, more stabilized than before. He had practice, probably from the people he traveled with.

You wondered how many times he had lost control in public.


"S.. So Ness..."

He turned around and looked at you.

"Is that what I feel every time we...touch ?"

He blushed.

"Y-yeah..." he stammered. "Strange, huh?"


You two stared at each other... in stunned silence.


You really liked the touch of PSI.

It was an odd feeling at first, but you liked the way it warmed your soul. For a moment, it made you feel like anything was possible. It made you feel safe, daring almost.

When you neared Ness it almost felt like another force was pulling you towards him.

When your hands touched, you felt a gentle spark.

When you hugged... it was the best feeling in the world. You couldn't describe it exactly... it always felt like bolts of electricity flowing through you.

You wondered what happened with a kiss...

You looked down, and blushed furiously at the thought... keeping that a secret.

Knowing that Ness could probably read minds, you prayed that this one wasn't heard.

Oh no...telepathy. The master key that could unlock any hidden secret.

You wondered if he's been reading your thoughts since the beginning.

No pain in asking, right?

"What can psychics do, really?" You ask curiously, regaining the lost dignity.


"You never told me."

"I couldn't really explain it. For all I knew, I was some strange kid that needed serious help."

You blinked.

"Who made you believe that?" You say, a little angered.

"A lot of people."


"My whole baseball team." He nearly cursed half way, but stopped himself.

You winced.


"I'm guessing your abilities went out of control one day and they removed you from the team?"


"And the coach basically allowed this to happen?"

"There... was no coach. We weren't really a team just a group of kids that played the sport. We worked like one and it was... great. I was the captain... I thought we were friends."

Ness paused as if he was looking for something. Once again, sorting things threw.

"You weren't the first to see them, or my parents. Neither of them. It just had to be that... kid right across the hill."

Ness was about to call this kid a name, a bad one to, but stooped himself... even though he had every right to.

You knew this kid.


Ness looked surprised.

"Really, you remember him?"

"How could I not? He pulled on my hair all the time and kept calling you a freak. He wanted to start fights constantly, but you backed down, even though you knew you could win."

You blinked, in sudden realization.

"Geeze, Ness you're too nice for your own good!"

He laughed at that... finally, some positive energy in this room.

"You can blame my mother for that. Seriously, that's the one thing I didn't get from my dad."

You smile.

"Nah, I actually need to thank her later. Otherwise you would not have put up with me for so long."

Ness looked a little confused.

"Put up with you? Nah, you're great to have around. Besides it gets a little lonely here when it's just me. Everyone else is outside working on something.. I'm basically hiding from literally everything."

You hold back a laugh, not entirely sure weather or not that was supposed to be funny.

"Why's that?"

Ness shrugged.

"Well, when you come home from fighting the literal embodiment of fear itself... you tend to be a little... messed up afterwards."

You arch a brow.

"Elaborate on that?"

"Let's just say that I'm that strange kid who pretty much saved the entire world from an alien race."

You blink.

"Trust me.. it gets crazier than that."

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