Chapter 2: Welcome to Onett

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You walked into the nurses office, found a row of three plastic chairs  and sat down. She sat down on her computer, logging into everything she needed, and placed down a piece of paper on a plain wooden clip board. She turned to you and began asking basic questions, nothing too personal to start of with.

"What is your name?"

You gave her your name, and she wrote it down. Followed by your age, height weight, eye color, questions that were close to meaningless. You answered most of them successful, and for some odd reason, you were really slow with answering them. Hesitating until the answers hit you like a brick.

Your stomach growled for the umpteenth time, begging you for food.

"Where are your from?"

You opened your mouth to answer but nothing came out. Your mind went completely blank as you searched for that was missing. Entirely.

"I... don't remember." You answer.

"You don't?" The nurse said arching a brow. "Did you hit your head?"

"I guess," you answer.

"Let me examine your head," she said.

You titled your head for it to be looked at. She searched through your head, mostly for bumps, cuts, bruises.

"I don't see anything too concerning," She said. "I see a bump or two... but no bleeding."

You gave the nurse a worried look.

"Don't worry to much about it. Your memory should come back to you in a couple weeks or so... I assume you don't have a place to stay either?"

You shook your head.

"Very well then. Who brought you here?" Asked the nurse.

"Some strange boy in a blue and red cap," you answer. You can't seem to recall his name, or remember if he gave it to you in the first place.

"Is he outside?"

"Should be... I don't think he left."

"Alright, lets get you cleaned up first and then we'll take things from there."

You nodded, and did what the nurse told you to do. She cleaned up any bruises and cuts she saw, and told you to take a shower in one of the rooms. You were given new clothing to wear, a simple green shirt and sweats. In moments you looked good as new, well better than you did outside. You felt better as well.

"I'll go ask to see if his family can take you in," said the nurse. "Otherwise, you'll have to stay at the hospital for a couple days until we can figure out what to do with you."

You nodded, and the nurse walked outside.

Curiously, you peeked your head outside the door and looked down the hallway, barely able to see the lobby. You were able to catch a glimmer of the boy with what looked his family.

Once the nurse came down the hallway, you went back into your room, fearing that you may get into a little trouble for eavesdropping. You shouldn't, you were involved after all.

The nurse came back and opened the door.

"They said you can stay until you get back on you feet. Lucky you." Said the nurse. She then pulled out a clip board.

"Would you like to rate our services?"

"Its alright," you replied, she wrote that down.

You were free to leave, traveling down the hallway and into the lobby. Either the boy must've called his family, or the family came looking for him. Either way, you were thankful that they were willing to help you out.

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