Chapter 31: Side by Side

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Suddenly you see a flash of blue light shining on the knifes blade. It was ripped from the hand of your attaker, and it was sent flying across the room, sticking into a near by wall.

Frank Fly growled at the sight, but the weight on your chest was suddenly lifted.  Your mind cleared and you could focus, a psychic warmth filling your entire body.  A tingly sensation travled down your arm, reaching to the tips of your fingers.

Once you realized what was happening, you quickly grabbed the wrist of your attacker as a surge of eletric energy was realized. You shocked him in the arm, causing a sever burn to appear, focing him to let go and backing away, screaming in agony while doing so.

You managed to break free, but Frank Fly grew furious. Instantly he grapped your neck, ripped you from the ground and pulled a gun on your neck. You see his men gathering around, pulling out their weapons as well.

You wanted to fight back, but you knew your power wasn't strong enough. You new if you made the wrong move, if you continued to anger your attacker, things would get deadly real quick.

As much as you hated being the damsle in distress, you thought it was best not to engage. If you could do half the stuff that Ness could, different story.

"Show your self you little freak!" Frank Fly shouted, holding the cool barrel of fhe blade really close to your neck.


Ness's voice was feint and far away.  You knew he was near; you also knew that if he appeared in the middle of the room, his men could start firing in random directions. Since you couldn't quiet form a force field yet, that would be dangerous.

Instead, a gun was ripped from Franks hand flying towards another member, and knocking him in the head really hard, causing him to fall from the ground unconscious. This motion was repeated across the room untill the men were either  knocked  out or scared away by the gun.

A stunned silence filled the room, you weren't phased... you knew that Frank was.

He dropped you, air filling your lungs and Frank clutched his fists. Ness, almost too causally entered the room.

"Well then," said Frank. "Seems like I underestimated ya."

"As usual." Ness tacked on. "I really don't take it kindly when people mess with my friends."

"Something I shoud've learned the first time I came in contanct with ya." Frank said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.

"So are you letting me go or...."

"You crazy?" Ness exlaimed. "You basically kidnapped somone, twice!"

"You know the police won't care, otherwise they would've done something the first time I kidnaped your friend."

You saw the anger on Ness's face as he glared at Frank Fly.

"Why'd you do it?"  You asked, standing next to Ness and crossing your arms. "Kidnap me?"

"Well if you really wanna know," Frank Fly began, now caustious of the two psychic standing in front of him.

"My gang and I thought we could hold you for ransom, but when your parents died in a car wreck our plan pretty much fell apart. We kept you for a few years until you decided to break free and well, here we are."

Suddenly a wash of satifaction came over you. Yes, you were stil upset that it happened, not to mention that you couldn't remember most of it, but Frank's story was just enough.

You were held for ransom.

"This doesn't explane the second kidnapping." You added on.

"Well, we weren't actually aming for you, we were aming for Ness. Since he basically saved the world we figured that he'd be worth more."

"So that's why one of your guys shot at me?" Ness questioned.

"That was purly by accident, maybe my men were drunk that day, playing with guns when they weren't supposed to. We actually wanted you alive."

He seemed to chuckle at the end of that sentance, but Ness wasn't pleased, at all. Once Frank Fly caught wind of this, his smile droped and he cleared his throat.

"Just go away, Frank." Ness said simply.

"So you're not turning me into the police?"

"They won't do anything, your right about that. But I'm pretty much done with dealing with youso just leave please."

"Alright." Frank said causally leaving the building.

"Don't even think about causing trouble in Twoson!" Ness shouted. "I can teleport there, just so you know!"

"Wasn't planning on it!" Frank said, dissapering into the forest.

You and Ness finally stepped outside, feeling the chills of winter on your skin.

"Well that wss anti-climatic." Ness said, not bothered by the cold, but you began shivering maddly.

"Hey you okay?"

You gave Ness a tired look.

"...Just take me home Ness."  You say through chattering teath.

Ness only smiled.

"Alright then."

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