Chapter 24: Only Growing Closer

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You and Ness, of course, didn't really do much of anything for the rest of the day. He mostly slept all day and you watched TV, played some video games of his until his mother came home.

It was fast food for tonight, something you didn't mind, and his mother and Tracy clocked in early for bed.

Ness pretty much stayed and ate in his room and this went on for a couple more days. Not much really happened between you two.

Was it a smart idea to keep the knife hidden underneath your pillow this entire time?

Probably not... and you feared that bringing this up would only make things worse.

A couple days later, however Ness slowly did return back to his original self... something that you likes to see.

After the stitches were removed, he was free to move around, slowly becoming more active again and returning back to a happier state.

You were itching to go back outside again, or at least start training and learning how to use your psychic abilities. You already new how to heal yourself and others, also how to read minds...

What else was there?

Surly the list was huge. Ness was obviously a master at this, and knew a lot about PSI as a result. You wondered if teleportation was a thing, how fun it was... having an ability that other people  could only dream of having.

Hmn... ironic.

People dream of having super powers and when someone else has them they make fun of them... treating them like they are inhuman.

What was so bad about being a psychic? You could do, pretty much anything you wanted...

At this point, you were mostly laying in your cot, staring at the celing since your mind was racing with a billion thoughts at once. You weren't stressed put, but you were really eager to train...

So what exactly was stopping Ness?

Hell, the rest of the chosen four.

From killing anyone.

Wow, Ness right on cue.

Well it's kinda obvious.

Touche. You had to remember that PSI wasn't really accepted yet, despite it being the key factor that helped the world.

Ness was pretty much a walking weapon... a cute, adorable, and an extremely friendly weapon, but one that couldn't be trusted.

Well that sucks.

You looked over to Ness's side of the room, and Ness himself was laying down on his back, not in the typical jaunted angle you would usually find himself in. He was wide awake, as well, probably thinking to much.. he wasn't even underneath any of the cover.

You turned on your side, propping your head on your hand.

"You alright, Ness?" You say, starting the conversation for once.

He turned his head slightly.

"I'm fine... my minds busy."


"Whadda about?"

You shifted, moving your pillow.

Maybe now's a good time to bring it up.

"I found something few days ago, while you were out cold." You answer.

"You went there by yourself?" He asked, there was a bit of surprise behind his voice.

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