Chapter 29: Returning Memories

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It was dark, so dark.... you were sleep. You knew... familar memories began to play in the back of your mind.

That day in the park...

"Excuse me, that's mine..." said the boy, trying to be polite.

"Hmn?" You said, feeling almost embarrassed. "Oh... I'm sorry. Here."

You lent out the ball in your hand and the boy gladly took it

"Thank you,"  He said with a small smile.

You gave him a shy smile.

"Wanna play?"


"Do you wanna play?" He repeated.

"Oh..." you said. "I don't think I can..."

"I'll teach you. Come on!"

The boy grabbed you by the wrist, making a light shade of bright pink appear on your cheeks, pulling you along into the large grassy fields.

You came across a group of boys, simular to Ness's age, if not, then they were slightly older. He was pulling you buy the wrist, and as much as you wanted to stay behind the side lines, you didn't really have much of a choice.

One boy staired at you as Ness pulled you over. He was a chubby kid with blond hair, and the clothing he wore looked filthy and way to big for him. He looked bigger than the other kids, which already sdded to the fear in her chest.

Other kids began to stair as if you were sometype of alian.

"Ness, who is this?" the blond boy asked walking up to you.

You flinch, prompting Ness to finally let go of your wrist.

"I just asked if she wanted to play." Ness replied simply, not afraid of the boy who was clearly twice his hight.

The boy didn't seemed pleased.

"Why did you invite her? She's a girl, girls don't play baseball," the blond kid groaned in disgust.

"She could probably throw better than you can, Porkey."

A couple kids did snicker in the background, but Porkey shot them a glare, shutting them up real quick.

"Besides, I'm the team captain. I get to decide who joins or not."

"But I'm also the Co-Captain Ness."

"But you don't decide makes or breaks the team."

"But.... but he's a girl."

"Come one, at least give her a chance."

Porkey let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine. We'll let your little girlfriend play."

Ness growled in annoyance. "She's not my girlfriend."

Porkey snickered.

"What ever twerp."

You watched for a while just so that you could get the feel of the game. After you were feeling comfortable enough, you finally decided to join in.

"Do you want to swing or do you wnt to throw?" Ness asked with a smile.

"Swinging the bat looks fun." You reply, smiling back.

"Alright, lets give it a try."

You nod, watching Porkey strike out for the fifth time that day.

You stood at home base, Ness was watching from the sidelines as you gripped the bat.

Porkey was pitching.

" 'I'm the team captain,' my ass." Porkey thought.

You were able to read his mind, loud and clear.

You grip the bat, hard.

Porkey purposly threw a hard fast ball at you,  but what happened next was completely out of your control.

Or so you thought.

You hit the ball, perfeclty on your first try, sending it flying across the field.

You drop your bat in shock.

Porkey was also on the ground bewildered.

"What... what the heck?"

Other kids started to mummer to themselves, trying to figure out what happened.

"Not bad," Ness said as he approched you, not phased in the slightest.


"You should stay with us and play a little longer."

You looked at other kids who seemed to be listenting to the conversation at hand.

"Okay... okay I will." You reply nervously.

The rest of the day consisted of mostly fun.

You felt like you made a new friend.

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