Chapter 23: Return of the Hero

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You have fallen from a tree, hearing Ness call out your name.

"Are you okay?"

You opened your eyes, only to be blurred by a wall of tears. 

You've broken broken your leg, had fallen right out of a tree... you were crying, too afraid to speak. 

You heard someone jump down from the tree... walking through the grass. A flash of emerald green light appeared and the pain in your leg slowly went away.

"It's okay... its fine now."

His voice was gentle.

Once your mind cleared, you saw Ness's hand extend out towards you. After calming down you take it, with out hesitating. 

"Hey... I got your back, alright?" Ness said with a smile. "Always."

The dream fades away... leaving you a bit forlorn. 

Your childhood...

You wanted to sit down and relive the dream over and over again, but you knew you had things to do. 

Ness's mother had given you a small list before she left for work. The note was put by your bed, along with a blue sweater, with two golden stripes near the wrist. The note itself mostly said just to head back to the hospital and bring the boy home... he's been there for almost two weeks or so --longer than the anticipated-- and admittedly, it's been awkward with out him.

Quickly, you got dressed and took the sweater, leaving the note behind. You considered for a second bringing the knife that hid underneath your pillow. 

Would that be appropriate to bring inside a hospital building? Probably not... you could worry about this mystery later. But, for now, you had to take care of your friend. 

You climbed out of bed, swinging your legs to the other side, and gathered the clothing. You then headed down stairs and grabbed two oranges from the fruit basket, and put them in the pockets of your jacket. 

It was getting colder out, and fast. Winter was just around the corner... your favorite season. You didn't really mind the cold too much, and you hated bugs. Spring simply messed with your allergies, and it rained every day in the fall. Winter was the only one left.

Maybe you could trigger some more childhood memories, while your at it. 

You went over to the coat racket and grabbed Ness's jacket as well, but as you pulled it down you noticed a much smaller jacket underneath it.  It was blue instead of gold, and the cuffs were red. 

Of course, that jacket looked extremely familiar. Seeing it almost made you smile, almost made you laugh.

Gosh he was small, you thought to yourself.  

Smaller than you... you recall. 

You finally turned away from the coat rack and headed out side, instantly greeted by King who was sitting on the front porch.

You don't recall King.

You couldn't even imagine him as a puppy.

"King, when did you get here?"

He lazily raises his head, opening one eye.

Like I said before, Ness was six when you left. Hence, why I don't know much about you.

That made since.


They got me because you left, he was really upset.

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