Chapter 9: Alone in the Dark

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You stepped out into the cool air of autumn.

Morning dew soaked into your worn tennis shoes as you walked down the hill, heading into the town of Onett. The trees at this point were a beautiful golden color, giving the world around you a soft golden hue.

King started barking once you chased Ness onto the field. The fun stopped when Ness turned around and gave the dog a gentle scratch behind the ear. King then returned to an early morning nap.

Ness then turned to you and smiled before taking of down the hill.

"Hey, get back here!" You chased after him.

What was he planing?

You were lucky that Onett wasn't really busy in early in the morning. People who were setting up the shops for business were giving odd glances at the two teens rushing through town. Honestly though, you didn't really care.

You were having fun.

Though way before you had a chance to catch up to Ness, he was already out of your sight.

A slight panic rushed through your veins, you were glad that this town was small. There was only one place he had to be in.

The Park.

You stopped cold in your tracks.

The... Park?

It wasn't the first time you came to the park, in fact Ness brought you out here as an excuse to go outside. Either that or he liked spending time with you deep down and was just to afraid to admit it.

Nah, he didn't seem like the type.

The reason why it was significant now because it was the same park that appeared in your dream. A dream you didn't and couldn't tell Ness about.

Could he be the same boy?

No. That's impossible. Ness only appeared because he was the person you were spending a lot of time with. It's not like you guys met before.

Couldn't. It didn't add up.

Your dream was an analogy.

You walked down the sidewalk and into the park. The golden hue of tree leaves creating a wonderful atmosphere.

You felt safe and... at peace.

Once you arrived you saw Ness standing in the middle of the park, with his backpack laying down right next to him.

He looked relaxed as well.

You approached the wide open field through the thick piles of leaves scattered about. Nearing Ness who seemed to be in his natural element.

A baseball field.

"Heya," you spoke, catching Ness's attention.

"Took you long enough." He teased with a smirk.

You smile.

"Geeze dude, you play a sport or something?" You said nearly out of breath.

"As of recent, no. But I used to." He answered plainly with a shrug.

"Why'd you quit?" You ask curiously.

Ness seemed to look distant.

"My team mates dropped me when they had the chance." He answers, to your surprise.

You winced at his response.

"It was a long time ago, so don't worry about it."

You bet it still stung.

"Mind to elaborate?" you dared to ask.

His facial expression went blank.

"I came here to have fun, not to get.. well depressing." He said, ending with a small smile.

You frowned a little.

"I'll tell you later... but for now lets execute what I have in mind."

You nodded.

He bent over and reached for his backpack, opening it and revealing a small set of sports equipment.

You cringed.

Was he going to teach you how to play a sport?

"What's wrong?" Ness said, noticing your discomfort and looking up from the arrangement of items on the ground.

Mostly baseball gloves and balls.

You weren't exactly good at catching or throwing, and you weren't the most athletic person on the planet.

"This doesn't seem like a good idea." you said, sounding like you were dreading the worst.

Ness only smiled.

"I don't care if your good or not," Ness said "I just want to have fun."

"All of the sudden?" You question.

"You wanted to get to know me right?"

You nodded. "Of course."

"Well just play along. Obviously talking isn't getting us anywhere."

Oh, that made since.

He wanted to be friends with you.

Well, you were already friends. It was just there were one too many times where you two were caught in tense corners.

You didn't know anything about him because he refused to open up.

He didn't know anything about you because well, your brain had been zapped by something.

So the both of you were in the dark. Not entirely sure where the other one stood. So much so you could barely call each other friend. You were more so friendly acquaintances at this point.

Ones that ironically shared the same room.

But since your curiosity was at its peak, you decided to play along.

"Alright... I'll play your game."

Ness's face lit up like a little kid on Christmas day.

"Sweet!" He shouted, jumping upward and making you laugh.

This was going to be a long day.

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