Chapter 30: Blast From the Past.. Again.

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"Hey little missy, you awake yet?"

You heard the voice in your mind, forcing you to wake up.

"W-Wha...?" You mumbled, waking up in a dark room, and for some reason your voice was mumbled.

Instantly, you panicked. The room had old dark wood walls with cracked windows that only let a little bit of light inside.

 You found yourself sitting on a chair, your hands tide behind your back, and your legs bound with the feet of the chair.  

A foul smelling cloth was around your mouth, what ever that was, its effect on you finally wore off.

"You know, I wanted the other psychic but I guess you will do."

The voice sounded so familiar, and once you blinked you realized who it was. You stared at a man with a knife in his hand, similar to the one you found in the fields. 

Your heart raced and your mouth went dry.  You struggled to get free, but with little to no avail. The most you could do was get the rag from your mouth.

"Its you... right? Frank Fly... leader of the sharks."

As you mentioned his name other men emerged from the darkness of the room.

"That's right, supersized you haven't forgotten about me," he says twisting his knife in his hand, ending the sentence with a dark chuckle. "I am the one who beat you to a pulp, taking away your memories at the end."

You didn't so much as bat an eye at that. You weren't worried about your memories anymore, nor were you worried about all of them returning in one piece. What was lost, was lost, and that might be for the better as well.

"Why did you do that?" You said, anger replacing the fear that once was in your voice.  Oh, you were ready for a fight. You had the strength, you had the gift. Hell you could fry their brains if you wanted to.

"I had enough of you freaks roaming around town, taking all the power I once had. Bad enough we had one in Twoson, but two in Onett? Ha, bullshit. I had to act. I kidnapped you many years ago, little missy, but somehow you managed to escape. Now since you were a little kid at the time, I let you escape with your life, what a mistake that was. Little did I know, you'd meet up with him, even befriending him in the processes... which is really dangerous for a psychic."

"One of my workers did run past you, so I told him to keep a close eye. They found you two hanging out on the fields, and fired a gun. Though things didn't quiet work out. I forgot that they boy could sense things coming, so he took the bullet instead. Dunno how the freak survived, but I bet you had something to do with it."

You were pissed, extremely.

"You're damn right I had something to do with it! What would you think I'd do, just leave him there? Ha! I think not."

That made a flattened hand come flying your way at a speed that left your skin stinging shortly afterwards. He hit your so hard you could've sword you blacked out for a second. You blinked, allowing your vision to come back once more.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't do that..."  You said, spitting in the mans face.

Where was this sudden wave of spunk come from?

You watched as Frank Fly whipped the spit from his face. 

"Do what you want boys, she's all yours." 

You glared at Frank Fly, who only laughed at the look. His "boys" emerged from the darkness carrying weapons of their own. 

You tried to break free, but one brought a knife to your neck, your heart stopped, causing your brain to stop working once more. 

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