Chapter 15: Slowly but Surely

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Ness had woken you up rather early the next morning... so early the sun wasn't up yet.

Neither were you.

You woke up to Ness gently shaking your shoulder, calling your name through the new found skill of telepathy. Something you were never going to get used to.

Sorry for waking you, but this needs to be done in secret.

You looked up at Ness and gave him a groggily look of annoyance before plopping your head back down on the pillow. He didn't really have an alarm clock... so your sense of time was zero to none.

Did it have to be this early? You ask, keeping your eyes closed.

Ness thought about this for a moment.

I can get us to another dimension... through teleportation of course... but moving one or more people takes a lot out if me.

You remembered how winded Ness had gotten after using his psychic abilities. Geeze, he might as well run a marathon... and that depended on witch one he used.

It'll only be a couple of hours. I don't exactly know how much energy you have at the moment. Don't worry I won't abuse you.

You opened your eyes and let out a sigh, complying.

"Alright then," you say in a low whisper.

"I know you don't like it, but I want you to be able to defend yourself."

You nodded, understanding.

"After that, we can explore the forest to see if we can find any lost memories. If you're up to it of course."

A chill went down your spine.


"It's up to you, you know."

"I know. Just sitting around won't get us anywhere."

Ness stood up on his knees and left for the bathroom to get dressed. You quickly climb out of your cot and get dressed into clothing you've been wearing for the last several weeks.

The colors were completely faded, since they were washed almost every other day. But the last thing you wanted to do was make this family go out and by clothing, just for you.

It was honestly, the last thing on your mind.

Ness had been wearing the same clothing for the last several years, so you could suffer through for a couple months... or for however long you were going to stay.

Though, the thought of leaving did sting like a bug. You didn't want to leave yoir best friend behind again. Not like the last time when you just up and left when he needed you the most.

He made other friends during the adventure, but so far you were the closest. You knew him the best...

Emphasis on knew.

You were however still eager to find any lost memories that were still in the air. Even the smallest would be a big help.

Though the more time you spent with Ness, the more a tiny spark would occur. Just a few hours ago... before the family decided to go to bed.

You were playing video games just to pass the time. Tracy, Ness and their mother were in the same room, three players not four. You three shared a blanket and drank cups of warm hot chocolate.

The only reason why you lost a round of Mario Kart was because a memory hit. Right before you crossed the finish line.

It was a small one, not even long enough to answer any questions. Your brain was simply trying to repair itself at the wrong time.

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