Chapter 3: Lend a Hand

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You didn't really sleep well last night.

In fact you spent most of the night tossing and turning around in the cot, gazing at the pasty white wall to the left of you, and looking outside the window that was glazed with moonlight, mostly blocking out the rest of the room.

It was calm through out the rest of the house, aside from a couple creeks, and the sounds of cars rolling down the street, everyone else seemed to be fast asleep. Ness on the other hand appeared to be a light sleeper. He didn't toss and turn around as much as you did, but he did mumble something about baseball. At one point you could've sworn he was snoring.

You eventually did fall asleep... somehow, by mostly snuggling with an extra pillow you found lying the floor somewhere. Soon afterwards the sun rose overhead, replacing the moonlight with sunlight. You actually saw the sun rise outside the window.

Catching your eye to the right of you, you saw Ness slowly sit up from his bed, followed by a yawn and a stretch. He just sat there for a moment, almost as if his mind wasn't actually there. He didn't become alert until he suddenly looked up, then at you.

"Oh..." he yawns. "I forgot that... you were here... sleep well?"

"Not really," you answer.

You kept the rest of your complaints to yourself.

"You'll get used to it," said Ness sounding more awake.

He grabbed a pair of clothing from his closet and left the room, giving you your own privacy. You really had nothing to change into, since you slept in the clothing you had on the day before. You swung your legs over to the side of the bed and stood up. By habit you made up the covers, as best as you could of course, and then left the room.

You walked down the hall and down the stairs, into the room with the television set. The house was pretty quite. You sat down on the couch and basically waited. You didn't touch anything in fear of breaking something that wasn't yours. You noticed specks of white fur on the couch, and instinctively your nose twitched. You got up from the couch and simply wiped off your clothing.

Ness eventually came down the steps wearing a golden jacket and longer blue paints. In his left arm he held a red jacket that bore a similar fashion. He handed it to you and naturally you stared at it, a bit confused.

"What's this for?" you asked, curiously.

"It's cold outside," he said simply. "Put it on, I have an idea."

You took his suggestion and slipped on the jacket. It was a little baggy, and it didn't help the fact that you were pretty short to... the jacket went down to your knees. It was too big, but you really didn't have a choice, either.

"Wow, that's big on you." Ness said, now taking a better look at it.

"It's alright, it's comfy." You say, and yes it was.

"Alright then... let's go."

You two walked outside the house, entering the front yard which was nothing more than a hill top. Ness made sure to look the door behind him before leaving it behind.

You walked down the slope that led into the small town of Onett. You honestly wondered what he had in mind, but as the same time you didn't have the bravery to ask any questions. He was nice and all, but at the same time you only new him for a day... if that. Either way, he did seem trustworthy. You knew that, what ever the heck he had in mind it wasn't intended for harm. So, you found it simple enough to just... roll with it.

Eventually you made it to the edge of Onett, a forest that bordered it.


This was the forest you were found from.

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