Chapter 22: Filling in the Gaps

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Those three days came and went, and admittedly they were the longest--not to mention most awkward--days yet.

Well, for one you felt extremely out of place. Not to mention there wasn't much to do in Onett, as far as you knew. Ness seemed to have things planned for the day, either he was good at winging it, saw fifty million steps ahead, or just didn't really want to you inside the house all day. Regardless, it worked. You were board out of your mind, quite honestly. 

Like usual, Tracy and her mother headed to work, so you spent the most of you time sitting outside when it was warm. The weather was very sporadic, considering it was inching closer and closer to winter. King was nice enough to keep you company, and as much as it freaked you out, he was a nice conversationalist as well. 

To be honest, after what happened the last few months, you weren't easily surprised. 

The idea of scoping the forest  grounds did cross your mind one day, and you were still determined to gather missing memories, by all means. The thought still sent chills down your spine, hence why you two haven't gone back and tried other means of recovery. But it had to be done, nonetheless. 

You couldn't depend on Ness for everything. 

You actually made a compromise with yourself, one short quick trip. If something happened, you were bailing.

King was once again nice enough to come along.

"King, you're great. You know that?" You said, scratching around the dogs head.

I'm just here to help. He said before leading the way.

You were never going to get used to that.

Still think you don't belong here?

You started playing around with your hair as you tied it into a messy pony tail.

"I learned that yesterday, actually."

King tilted his head.

So, problem solved. You should tell Ness. Where are you from?

You paused.

"Turns out... here..." You answer, meekly.

King looked really confused.

That doesn't make any since...well it does but... there's a bit of a plot hole.

"Yeah... I know. I doubt you know anything about it...right?"

King sat straight up.

You did look familiar to me the first time you arrived, I just.... couldn't put my paw on it. 

You listened intently.

As a matter of fact, you did visit the house a couple times. Even spent the night. It was a long time ago however, I was a puppy... Ness was six. You two were great friends... though I don't know what happened after that. 

Though, you were still curious.

"Really? Nothing?"

King shook his head.

It's like you... disappeared.  

"Then reappear nine years later...out of the blue."

King nodded.

You groaned in frustration... but then a possibility hit you like a brick wall.

"A kidnapping?"

King once again tilted his head.

For nine years? It doesn't add up...

"I've must've escaped somehow... then taken in by someone... or was rescued."

King nodded. Finally, somethings making since. 

"At least we have a lead, something to work with..."

King stood up on all fours, then walked in front of you.

Well? Come on, we don't have all day. Days are getting shorter and Ness should be home soon. I've been worried about him.

You nodded, walking down the hill and heading off to the forest.

The closer and closer you came upon the forest, the more your heart sped up in fear. The last thing you wanted to do was to freak yourself out, talk yourself out of not going.

You stood in front of the forest, fear clenching your heart, chills going down your spine.

King simply sat by your side and waited.

You know, if  your this afraid then we can go home...  wait for Ness.

You swallow.

"No... I need to get this over with."

King nodded and took the lead.

You entered the forest, winter was just around the corner so no leaves were on the trees.. most of them were on the ground, about ankle high. You decided to start searching there.

At first you started dragging your feat, on purpose to find anything of use.

Something shiny caught the corner of your eye. You dug threw the leaves and accidenlty scratched yourself.

"Ouch," you winced. Pulling out your finger only to reveal a deep cut, it was bleeding out, the blood run down your finger.

Summoning your PSI, quickly healing yourself.

Being more careful this time around, you carefully removed the leaves from the shiny object.

"A... knife?"

You picked up the object by the handle, and studded the knife. It wasn't clean, there were patches of dry blood.

I wonder where that came from.

You gave it to King for him to sniff, he sneezed.

It... has your sent.

Your heart skipped a beat.

"Lets go, I hate this."

You ran out of the forest as quickly as you could. Feeling a wash of relief the moment you did.

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