Chapter 10: Hitting a Home Run

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You didn't know a thing about baseball. Even worse, Ness was entirely aware of that.

Though as time went on, he didn't seem to care about how you were preforming.

He did seem to care about how much fun you were having.

At the beginning, you had to admit that you were really tense. The embarrassing part, it was only a simple game of catch.

The only part that made things awkward were the gloves. When you tried to put it on for the first time, it was backwards.

"Here, let me help ya." Ness said, adjusting the glove on your hand.

"I probably look stupid, don't I?"

"Nah, your fine."

It took you a moment getting used to the glove, but after a while you got a hang of throwing and catching the ball.

During these moments, Ness sounded like a team captain, cheering you on when you succeed and gently correcting you whenever there was a failure.

Once he saw that you were comfortable with catching and throwing the ball, he decided to switch gears.

"Alright," he said sounding pretty satisfied.

"What?" You said.

"Let's move on to batting."

You frowned. "Awe, that was fun though."

"I know, but this will be better." Ness reassured with a smile.

"Fine then," you said, almost dreading what'll happen next.

He went over to the baseball equipment laying next to a large golden tree on the side of the park. Ness pulls out a plain old medium size wooden bat.

"Here, try this one." He suggests, handing the bat over to you.

You held it in your hands and the bat felt heavy. Falling to the the ground before you could get it to balance.

"You're holding it incorrectly... here..."

Ness showed you how to properaly hold the bat and things felt comfortable once you did.

"That's good."

"This whole thing feels strange..." you comment, observing the bat.

"Stuff like this takes practice," Ness said with a smile. One you didn't see drop since you started playing.

"I bet..."

Ness showed you how to swing the bat, when it was appropriate to swing and and when it wasn't.

You know, the basics.

After a couple practice swings, Ness wanted to see if you could actually hit the ball.

That's what made you nervous.

"You'll do great," He encouraged. You gave him a shy smile.

Ness took the center of the field and gripped the ball tight. You prepared your self to swing and hopefully hit it, but then you blinked.

The ball was gone.

You stood there, dumbfounded.

"What?!" You shouted, shaking your head frantically from left to right looking for the ball.

Who looked back at Ness, who wasn't laughing thankfully. He mostly pointed to where the ball was located.

"Oh..." you said really embarrassed. You walked over and grabbed the ball, throwing it back to him.

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