Chapter 21: Motherless

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You couldn't help but fear for your friend.

You knew things were going to be okay, you knew that Ness was tough enough to make it through, but you were scared out of your wits. You didn't show this fear though, it made your stomach turn cartwheels.

After all, you were alone in the hospital for quiet a while, sitting alone in the waiting the room watching the clock tick on. You swore you saw it fall backwards a couple times, but you blinked and everything went back to normal.

It was hard to believe... earlier that morning, you two were out side just having nice breakfast when those gun shots were fired literally from nowhere. Now, here you were.

Scared for your life.

Scared for his life.

Noon rolled around. A couple nurses did come by to check on you, asked if you were alright, hungry or board.

Frankly, you were all three.

One of the nurses actually gave you a simple snacks, fruit snacks, trail mix, animal crackers, you name it. They even gave you magazines and coloring books that weren't even touched. Granted, you felt a bit too old for coloring books, but you took them, regardless.

"May I speak with you?"

Your heart nearly skipped a beat at the sudden voice. You looked up, only to see a certain familiar nurse giving you a small comforting smile.

"Oh... yeah... sure." You say, yawing a little.

She sat down on the couch with you. It was that same brown haired nurse that helped you earlier.

"How are things?" She questioned.

You brushed animal cracker crumbs off your shirt.

"Going well, they've been really nice to me." You answer simply, smiling at the thought.

"I see, you two have gotten really close in such a short amount of time... I wonder why."

You couldn't help but let your face redden a little.

"Well at some point, a memory was triggered. Turns out that I used to play with him when I was little..." you explain.

The nurse chuckled, sounding amused.

"Really now? Small world."

You and the nurse sat in silence for a moment as she kept a close eye on you for a while. You assumed that she was on break.

"I may or may not have something that will help with this memory lost of yours."

That peeked your interest.

"Really, what is it?"

The nurse smiled. "Come with me."

The nurse lead you to here office and turned on her monitor, typing something on the keyboard and turned towards you.

"Do you remember your parents names?"

You shook your head.

The nurse gave you a look of concern.

"Alright... here look at this."

Hesitating, you looked over at the monitor, only to see your information on the other side.

Pointless information, your name in full, your birth date complete with a year, how much you weighed at birth...

A birth certificate...?

"They're missing." You said, feeling almost infuriated.

The nurse stayed silent.

"They're missing... they're just... gone?"

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