Chapter 17: Embellishment

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It actually started raining by the time you two arrived home. You and Ness basically had to race home... and by the time you two did come home your clothing was soaked.

At this point it was two am in the morning. You knew Ness would get in trouble for sneaking out and the last thing you wanted to do was to throw your friend underneath the bus.

Thankfully, you didn't wake up his mother or Tracy. Even after drying off and taking a quick shower, before changing and heading off to bed.

If all else fails I can send them to sleep. Ness suggested when they entered the house, shortly after accidentally dropping a pair of keys on the floor.

It amazed you what you could do with PSI. Not only sending offence attacks that you could defend yourself, but also defense attacks that you could inflict on another person. Not to mention the type of PSI that could be used in the field.

No wonder PSI was hard to accept. You could kill someone... with your mind.

Ness had a reason to be afraid to use his powers on other people, which was fine and all. You just didn't want him to complain about it. Ever.

It wasn't until the next morning... well later in the day at this point, that you finally woke up. Ness however still asleep in all the jaunted angles as per usual.

What disturbed you was breakfast cooking in the first floor, making your stomach rumble.

You found a set of brand new clothing on the side of your cot. A plan red, long sleeved shirt and soft white sweat paints... clothing mostly for the winter.

For some reason, you were more than happy to see them. A fresh pair of clothing after several weeks seemed like an early Christmas gift. Even though they were washed everyday, it was nice to see something new.

You went to the bathroom and changed into the new set of clothing, feeling fresher than ever. Not to mention warm, since it was getting close to winter.

You headed down stairs smelling the familiar smell of bacon, eggs, and sausage cooking on the stove. Even Tracy was home, sitting on the couch and watching television. A thick green wholly blanket around her shoulders.

"Good morning," Tracy said with a smile, scotching over to the side and offering you a place to sit. "I forgot that you were here."

"It's alright," You say plainly. You were curious as to why she was home early... day off?

Oh... right.

"It's Saturday, isn't it?" You say, your scenes coming back to you.

"Yes...did you forget?" Tracy asked curiously.

"So much has happened in the last month and a half that I lost track...." You explained. "It's wired to see you here, you're always working."

"I try to help out as much as possible, plus I have school." Tracy added, now distracted by what ever was on the television.

"Oh, yeah that's right."

During your time here, you really didn't connect with Tracy. She was always out and about, or working on homework in her room... and it was true. Her room was really small. You couldn't fit a cot inside.

"So... you've been spending a lot of time with my big brother lately." She states, calmly.

"Yeah... he's nice." You say, simply. "He doesn't want me inside all the time, so he drags me around town all day."

"That sounds like him," Tracy agrees. "He treats his friends well, or at least... tries to."

You nod. Distracted by a new show that came on shortly after a commercial break... a strange show about a blue cat chasing a brown mouse came on, catching your attention for a short while.

Ness did eventually come down the steps, groggier than usual. You watched through the stairwell as he rubbed his face, letting out a small groan shortly afterwards.

"Well, there you are sleepy head!" His mother chimed, balling her hands into fists and putt them on her hips. Standing firm.

Uh oh.

"Mom...." He yawned, still in his pajamas.

"Did you sneak out last night?" She questioned, using a tone that said she knew where the frying pan was.

Ness looked up, suddenly looking awake, wide eyed at his mother.

"Mom... it was an emergency. Honest."

Ness and his mother seemed to stair at each other of a few moments, like a light switch, something clicked in her brain.

"Oh." She said simply.

Silence as both pairs of eyes landed on you.

"Well, Ness just be careful when you leave the house at night. I don't want either of you getting hurt... understand?"

Ness nodded slowly.

Tracy looked as if she had a million questions to ask at once, but knew it wasn't the right time to be asking them.

You knew what was going on.

Though the mood seemed to lighten after the conversation... most of it was telepathic you knew, but it didn't seem to big of a deal.

You were glad that Ness didn't get in trouble for it.

"And you're not eating breakfast in your pajamas young man. Go up stairs and change."

"Yes Ma'am."

Ness who looked like he was about to fall flat of his face, turned around and went back up stairs. Something Tracy couldn't stop giggling at.

The rest of the day went by pretty simply. Ness seemed more and more awake as the day went went on, starting after he ate breakfast. The energy from the food seemed to help a bit.

At around noon or so, Ness had pulled out an old gaming counsel... a Game Cube it looked like.

"You're gonna play it again, aren't ya?" Tracy asked, watching him pull out the old counsel.

Ness looked at his sister and gave her a small smile.


"Ocarina of Time?"


Tracy nudged you a little in the shoulder.

"Watch this, it's insane. He could beat this game in no less than a couple hours."

Ness's ears turned bright pink


"It's true! Not only psychics are powerful, but they are crazy stupid smart. Ness here could beat this game in a couple of minutes if you dared him to."

"Okay, now you're just embellishing." Ness corrected. You saw the red now slowly creeping in his cheeks.

"What? Don't you know I think it's really cool you have powers bro? You practically saved the world using them. You may not realize it, but a lot of people look up to you. Including me."

The red in his face seem to fade away, as Ness nodded in approval.

"Or... is it because theirs another girl here?" Tracy teased.

Ness nearly let out an embarrassing squeak at the statement as Tracy just laughed, you followed shortly. He frowned and glared at his sister.

"I'm just teasing you bro."

Ness kept his frown and let out a sigh. You tried to contain your laughter at this point, but it was no use.

"Let's just... play the game." He said simply before slumping over to the couch.

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