Final Authors Note

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So how did you guys like the story? :)

For starters, I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I haven't been able to complete a piece of writing for a long time. I think the last time I completed a series of books was way back in 2014. I was thirteen years old, and life wasn't as stressful as it is now. In fact It was so stressful that I quit writing for a while. I was literally telling myself things that weren't true... but I knew writing was my passion. I knew it was something I wanted to do on the side lines, so I knew I needed to get back to it.

So... why the heck did I write this book?

Besides the fact that I am a massive Ness fangirl, I actually wanted to see if I could actually complete a story, from start to finish. I guess it came to a point where I was tired of not expressing myself and keeping my thoughts in my head. So I guess you can say that I chose something pretty easy, while creative at the same time.

There aren't too many Earthbound based X-readers out there. Yeah there are one shots, mostly taking place in the Smash universe, but no one actually attempted to write a full blown "Novel" yet. (Yes I use the term "Novel" So I challenged myself; chose Ness as the lead character, kept it purely Mother 2, and wrote this entire book in second person.. from start to finish.

I also considered using the codes like Y/N cheating, so I had to get really creative. I almost had to treat the reader as if they were an actual lead character in the book.

Boy I learned a lot from this book.

Not only did my writing improve, but it also allowed me to explore a genera that I'm not really comfortable with.

That is romance.

As someone who's never dated, and never really experienced romance, this book was really difficult at times. I have two mottoes when I write, and one of those is; "Writing what you know". Even though I never experienced having a "boyfriend" much less having a close guy friend, I knew enough to understand what a relationship is and what it should stand for... and this brings out most of the flaws I commonly see in X-readers.


If you guys can't be friends, then how do you think a romantic relationship is gonna work out?

Again, I'm speaking from zero experience and mostly teachings from my parents, but isn't that true?

I knew everything about friendship, which made this book easier to write, and that's what this story mostly consists of. Besides that's also one of the main themes that can be found in Earthbound, friendship was really important through out the story. Without it I doubt that the chosen for could stand up together and defeat gygias. (I always miss spell his name..)

Not to mention that in most X-Readers, people don't even bother to get the main male/female lead character right.

I see this a lot with Ness's character.

Like, in smash fanfiction, why is he deemed as a prankster? Like... an immature little kid?

This is written by most people who tend to base his personality off his looks (young and child like) Without actually digging deep into the game of Earthbound. Or even better Ness doesn't have any personality at all and all he says is "okay".

Ness is often described as being "good natured" and "pure hearted." In the game he's proven to be more on the mature side, and this is because PSI enhances the mind. I mostly took my own creative liberties in some parts, mostly to flesh out his character a bit more, but is it really that to hard to write?

I dunno this just bothers me a little. XD

Wow this authors note is getting kinda long, but I just have a few things to say to wrap things up.

1. The earlier chapters had two to three drafts each. I rewrote them because I wanted to make sure that they were entertaining and moved the plot along (even some of the filler chapters)

2. This was originally going to be a OC x Cannon story, but I thought the story would be more engaging if I wrote it in second person. (Plus I was really to lazy to develop a character that I was only going to use once.)

3. This was ironically inspired by a Ness x Lucas fanfic I read a few years back. It's called "Saving You, Saving Myslef". If you want something that emphasizes the romance a bit more, check it out! (Just a warning before you go, its mature.)

So I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

What did you like about it? What parts made you laugh, what parts made you cringe? We're there any plot holes that I missed? Just give me your thoughts!

Well, that's all I have to say!

Starlight Out!

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